After a few months Lost Halls has really changed


i hopped on yesterday and tried to do a run with sbc but to my surprise they didn’t clear barely anything. i nexused after like 5 rooms lol. but could someone update me on this new lost halls method?


SBC runs are already on the safer side. MCH is known for rushing through pretty much everything, when they get enough people they’ll even skip crusades!

Essentially, rooms that can be skipped:

Oryx Rooms:

  • Clear the outer minions (for smaller groups, clear all the minions) and skip the middle spawner. This has been done for a long time, and was initially used by small groups to avoid having to deal with the respawns etc. I usually do it when soloing because the shots from the spawner are very predictable.

Golem Rooms:

  • Push the big golem to the center of the room, usually clear out the angry bois / petrify bois before skipping past the big golem in the middle. But of course garments drop from the big boi so some discords won’t skip. It’s also more of a nuisance since the big boi directly shoots at you.

Slime rooms and crusades are usually cleared (read: always cleared in SBC runs). Slimes because if you have to back into a slime room with a crusade chasing you, it gets sketchy and crusades for obvious reasons.

As for tips when doing such runs…

  • In larger groups, there will usually be mseals. Stick to them like glue, or get the armored buff and quickly move into the next hallway / safe area while you’re armored.

  • Listen to RL’s calls to avoid being separated from group. Sounds like common sense but hp scaling makes it ridiculously hard to kill anything by yourself, so you’re stuck with dodging whatever’s shooting at you until you make it back into the safety of the group.

  • Watch for petrify shots in golem rooms to avoid being annihilated by a charging angry boi. Also don’t feel inclined to be in the front lines if you’re not comfortable yet. A good rule of thumb is striving to be located near the middle of the group when rushing, since it means non-piercing shots won’t get you, heals are maximized, crusades from the front / back don’t get to you first etc.

If you’re unsure about skip runs, pub halls will still full clear runs when there aren’t too many people. Just look in the raid announcements channel and if they don’t mention anything about skipping, it should likely be a good ol’ clear run. Best of luck!

And of course you always skip spooky boi because who doesn’t :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


You must be talking about the method halls discords use where they don’t clear some rooms. In my opinion it’s a terrible and incredibly unnecessary thing to do. If the run leader says they’re skipping any rooms, i’m leaving right away.


skip runs save a lot of time, just bring a melee and you’ll barely lose any hp, especially when you have good mystics


I strongly prefer my safety over my time

Also, for my safety, I don’t use a melee in halls


I’d argue melee is a lot safer, it’s pretty difficult to die with a permabuffing paladin whereas ranged are pretty squishy.
You don’t need to deal a lot of sb damage so you can just hang back and do some damage during the phases where its safer to get close up.

At least that’s what I’ve been doing, although tbh I’m pretty trash at halls.


Melee is safer everywhere in Halls. I know the bullets might be scary but there will always be an mseal and melee is a lot safer with mseal than ranged will ever be


Ah, the LH skip run. Fast, effective, yet also sometimes sketchy. the general gist of how to handle these skipped runs have already been covered by Unicorn, but I could give a few tips as a Pub Halls player.

For classes, I recommend melee as you take much less damage. Being a mystic is another safe alternative as you can stasis certain dangerous enemies as you advance. A trickster is a good choice to teleport past tight spaces as well.

Generally there are 2 kinds of skips: Partial skip and full skip, with the latter only being utilised in runs with large numbers of players who are melees, mystics and tricksters. A partial skip skips Oryx and Golem rooms, while a full skip is every room.

  1. For Oryx rooms, listen to the RL and hug the wall they have mentioned to the next room and follow the group so that you take less shots. It helps to have a mystic to stasis the outer minions as you make your way towards the next room as well.

  2. For Golem rooms, damage the Tormented Golem until he retreats to the center of the room. RL will tell you to hug one of the walls to move on to the next room. You should ALWAYS keep your eye on the orange golems and grey golems, because if you sit on them, it’s guaranteed death if they fire. Mystics would usually stasis these guys, but if they don’t, try to destroy them before proceeding or run past it.

  3. For Slime rooms, if the run is a full skip, RL will instruct knights to stun the main slime so that the group can proceed. Fairly simple to skip, just run to the next room once you see the slime stunned.

  4. For Crusades, RL will instruct mystics to stasis the entire crusade and tricksters to decoy the commander away. This is the fastest room to skip, but you must keep up with the group as the crusade may attempt to chase the group from behind once distractions are cleared. So long as you follow the group, you should be fine.

  5. For spooky rooms, just run past it. Tricksters may send decoys to it to distract it, but it will always teleport to the closest player after a few seconds, so be prepared to have it chase the group a few times.

Above all, if you don’t feel comfortable to skip, feel free to leave the LH to preserve your character, or if the run is a void run, you may consider waiting for the entire group to enter the void and clear for a cult solo or with anyone else who decided not to rush with the group. Stay safe and good luck!


I feel ya. While I’ve always been keen with partial skips, full skip runs had me thinking about my safety versus time saved. I remembered my first full skip run, I did not want to bring my pride character: The 20Knight as I’d like to call him, into the run because it sounded so sketchy. I brought a mystic along instead, and it went smoother than I thought it’d be thanks to everyone’s coordination in rushing. Ever since then I built my confidence up and would bring my knight even to such runs.

As for not bringing melees for safety, I also understand that. Why on earth would I want a 3.5 range class to be anywhere near some of those dangerous instakill enemies?Only then I realised that there are many other people who do the main bulk of damage when melees can’t get close. Furthermore, the only place where damage really counts are the bosses.

MBC has many phases where melees can go deep for dmg.
Void may theoretically be leeched entirely and you get your sb damage when they’re a flame
And Malus…there’s some easy phases that melees can tank and the final phase for easy damage.

But of course, to each their preference. Ranged classes are still guaranteed a higher element of safety as they don’t have to go deep, and can help clear enemies or damage bosses when melees can’t go deep, so I definitely understand anyone who only brings range to the party. Melees are safer due to tankier capabilities, while ranged are safer due to not being too close to danger~
ᴼʰ ᵈᵉᵃʳ, ᵈᶦᵈ ᴵ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ʷʳᶦᵗᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵐᵘᶜʰˀ ᴵ’ᵐ ˢᵒ ˢᵒʳʳʸ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠˡᵒᵒᵈ ʰᵃʰᵃ;;


[I wish every thread outside of the Off-Topic forum was like this one. I really appreciate the thorough and detailed analyses and explanations. OB]


to make a long story short: hackers.


you have a 90/90 pet, you should be able to bring a melee to a halls. If you can’t, it’s a matter of skill.


I am sure I could bring a melee into halls, it’s just that I care enough about them to not want to even bother risking them


Yeah I had no idea how lost halls functioned because I took a four month break from them.

Most lost halls servers do ‘skip runs’ which basically is skipping over enemies with the use of mystic stasis.

Other servers do full skip runs which is the use of warriors, paladins, knights and mystics to keep the group buffed, big minions stunned, and every minion stasised.

It takes minimal time to complete and it’s actually relatively safe if you stay with the group at all times.


Bringing a melee shouldn’t add more risk. In fact, it should lower your risk because of their higher HP.


Oh it’s time!

Time to bring up the opinion that melees are actually the worst class!

Any by ‘worst’ I mean the most risky.

I’ve been doing a lot of halls and I can assure you the safest spot is in the middle of the damaging meatball of players that moves through the halls.

However, full skip runs are inconsistent bs and you just won’t survive 100 full skip runs.


if youre in a competent group then melees are 100% the most safe due to their high hp and def stats.


Ok then keep using them.

So there are three parts to a Void run.

The Halls.



In the Halls, reaction time is a huge factor. If you’re walking forward and you don’t see that crusade coming from the side you’re toast. Due to the crazy nature of Halls and the challenges of team coordination crusades can come from up down and all around. For this reason a fast speedy character that can back up is quite useful. Warrior technically meets this criteria, but it’s at the front of the pack.

Reaction time is important for not only the enemies but also the skips. When a raid leader calls for you to hug the right wall and you have your camera rotated , it can be very disorienting and confusing. If you’re two seconds too slow you can end up getting left behind and that’s usually when you die.

In the Halls pretty much every enemy has one hit ko power. This, combined with poorly timed stasis and their ability to blend into the meatball of damaging players makes for quite a few deaths. I’ve seen countless melees get sat on by angry bois, crusaders, and slimes. Even an oryx spawner minion can instapop a melee.

When a run goes bad the people at the front almost always die first. The classes that end up dying at marble defender are often melee that don’t realize there aren’t enough heals to steam through it.

And speaking of marble defender, there’s a big reason why melee are absolutely essential for Halls runs but are not the safest class. It’s the marble seal.

The marble seal is essentially game changing. It doubles the def of all the classes and gives the ranged/dagger classes exactly what they need to shrug off damage. Since there’s a damage reduction cap (10%) I believe, the melees don’t benefit nearly as much as those other classes do.

For MBC, thanks to the marble seal the experience is nearly identical for all classes. I’d say melee have a slightly greater chance of getting sat on by MBC, but it’s not an issue for competent players.

For Void, the HP from melee definitely helps for survival. The experience is fairly similar for most classes. However, there is a phase before all now ends where the Void entity sends out stacked shots. These shots roast plenty of melee and it’s best to be as far away from them as possible.


rush past oryx rooms, push big boy back



What are “SBC”/“sbc” runs?