Agent of Oryx Helm Or Bee Helm


Recently got a hive master helm and was wondering whether it was better in terms of dps then the helm of exalted might?


In terms of burst DPS, the AoO helm is better. However, once the initial Dex boost wears off, the Hivemaster Helm becomes substantially better due to the Att debuff.

If I had to pick one, I’d probably go with the Hivemaster Helm, simply because Curse benefits everyone around me, as well as myself.


Ok thanks so much!


No problem!


I will hunt you down and force you into The Machine…

Just kidding. I wish I could get that helm already, though.


If you want i can bring mine and we can farm machines together

1000 god kills on my fresh warrior, killing every blue constructs and still no machines.


I got it on my 2nd ever nest :rofl:

Now I do nests all the time

(Still scared of halls and fungal tho)


agent of oryx helm is defo better for boss fight no question. short term burst damage for boss is always better


Funny, you have the helm, I find at least one machine just about every time I play.
Together, we’d be unstoppable. The secrets to the loot drops will be ours…


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