Alien gear


Hi guys, I wanna know if the alien armor protect against the one shot from bosses. It’s write that we are invincible 2s when HP dicrease under 75 but if when have 100hps and we take 160damage, it’s a one shot so I will die with my armor or not?
Thanks for your help guys!


Proc actives if you are under 75 hp AND get hit by one shot, invulnerability will kick in after 0.5 seconds if you’re not dead in between. This armor is NOT reliable at all, and should only be used with the full entropy set.


*Invulnerable, actually:
image0 Invulnerable: you can still get hit by shots, meaning you can still get status effects applied to you by them, but they won’t deal damage.
(No icon) Invincinble: you cannot get hit by shots at all.

And to answer your question, no, it will not kick in, as 100 - 160 = -60. And -60 is less than 0, which means you are dead.

However, if you take, say, a death explosion like that of the Avatar, then you can survive it, given that:

  • You take enough damage to put your health at 75 or lower, and;
  • The damage you take should be LESS than your health after all-but-one-shot

…at least, that’s how it works in theory. So if you take, say, 70 damage per shot, and you have 704 HP, then tank 11 shots, you’ll be at 705 - (9x70) = 74 hp for the “first 9 shots”, then tank the 10th shot at 74 HP. At this point, the proc will kick in, and you will become invulnerable, thus granting you 0 damage from the 11th shot, and thereby allowing you to live.

NB I have no idea if this is actually how it works in practice, but I at least presume so :sweat_smile:


Try this in your main server not a laggy one please. Else, rip your character


I know, Ahah :sweat_smile:



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