All Servers Full [resolved now]


I was able to get into USMW just fine about a minute ago. Some servers are currently full, but others are accessible at the moment.

This may change.


If they were to run a financing campaign with this purpose I’d get the uber glow for all my mules.


Servers back up, except for USSouthwest and USSouth.


I doubt $1 would make lots of people quit as that is extremely cheap for this type of game and would greatly improve q.o.l.


I would leave


Can you explain to me why 1 dollar would make you leave?


Nobody whose already invested in the game. How you gonna get new players? It’s an 8 by 8 game that somehow magically crashes more and lags harder then normal games. The only reason this game gets new players is because it’s free. I would probably leave cause this is the shit I do when I’m really bored and I can just get another game to do that.




How about people who don’t have access to a credit card?


You don’t have, could never have, and could never find 1 singular dollar?


What if I can’t access a credit card. What would I do then?


My opinion is that games should cost money. The more initial cost, the better. That’s how you stop cheating in videogames. Look at cheating in CS:GO before and after it became free.

If Realm of the Mad God costed 1 singular dollar, this “server full” issue wouldn’t have been a thing.

I don’t care at all if you can’t spend 1 singular dollar, or find a way to get access to an electronic singular dollar. At all. It’s an insane statement to say you can’t hahahaha.


If you cant access a credit card then ask your parents or get one for yourself, nowadays not having a debit card or credit card after your of working age is an issue that is not unqiue to realm.


@Shatter unresolve the thread


not like thats ever gonna happen


as long people can still play on flash player, this thing will happen again on future


What’s the logic behind that?


why should i put this to logic when most people already know that too many loop hole on flash player?


What about flash particularly endears it to botters?


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