All your Death Stats @ --updates--


I can’t reach the site, but the concept seems awesome!


Yes, you’re not only one have issue, but I don’t know why. The site is up according to google analytic. Anyway, I am trying to find the problem


The link works perfectly for me. Nice graphs tho


This is really cool, yet pointless because I never die. Thank you.


I keep thinking that the topic’s name haves something to do with a RWT site or something like that, so i am nervous but i can’t erase that from my brain >_<


I get redirected to a ‘suspended website’ page from the website company.


This is where the links too me…



Yes that’s what I see, then it seems to load another, then another. Not too concerning, it’s just what domain selling companies use to replace domains which have been taken down.


When I read the title, I thought it was some kind of rwt troll post xd

Great job doe!


The concept is actually awesome since it puts into practice a bunch of the stuff I’ve learned in school/wanted to learn on my own. I’d love to help if you want any help! Great job :]


Yes, the site have been shut down. Basically too much traffic for the hosting provider …
Working on it


After few hours of struggle, it should be back online. (At least for most people)


Something that might assist on enemy locations is the game uses codes in some dungeon enemy names: EH (=‘Epic Hive’ = The Nest), GC (Fungal Cavern), CC (Crystal Cavern), Arena (Cemetery). Some of the older enemies are listed on the wiki at:
This might enable you to do some batch assigning of enemies to dungeon locations.

You might hit a problem with some enemies that spawn in multiple dungeons (one example I think is the Guardian Element, which I think is literally the same enemy in Oryx Chamber and only resized smaller in the Oryx Puppet fight of Puppet Master’s Theatre: Guardian element
So if true, it couldn’t be known whether someone who dies to ‘Guardian Element’ died in the Oryx’s Chamber or Theatre. I don’t think there’s many examples of this, but worth mentioning.

Good luck! Love seeing community stats things like this.


Hello Nevov,

So yes I was already using the abbreviation for some of the dungeon, but I was still missing some of them. Thank you ! However, I still have an issue with some of the them, such AI that referred to 4 alien dungeon and not a specific one.

Regarding the multiple spawn location, it’s something I don’t really now how to handle properly. A guy suggest that I add a “vary” entry for the dungeon, but it won’t solve the issue. The best would be to have a monster assign to multiple dungeon, but my database doesn’t allow me to do this right now. (so still some work to do :slight_smile: )

Again, thank you for the feedback !

#16 is back !

In a quick summary, this new version implies more graphs et mainly more graphs! Check for yourself at

Well, it has been a bit more than a week and since people seems to have liked the initial release, I decided to add couple of stuff!

New features

  • List of death per Level, Stats (*/8) and even Base fame. (Link)

  • Possibility to select a category (example: Wizard, 6/8, minimum 1k base fame. Link)

  • Way more graph about each individual monster, dungeon, class, stat, base fame range

  • Find out what items have been lost to every Monsters & Dungeons. (List at the bottom of the page. Link)

  • Possibility to look for a specific item! With info regarding where it has been lost and by what type of characters. Even contains the list of all monsters that have killed someone with it. (Link)

  • All the graphs contain now links. Want to know more about a category, click on it!

  • Lot of bugs corrected

  • And more small details!

Notice: the dungeon feature is still not properly implemented. If you want to help at this task, please go to the tab “Help needed”. Thank you!

Quick side bonus, here is your Omni lost pyramid. (I found the layout quiet nice, so I am sharing.)

Omni lost in the past 7 days

As before, I am open to any critics/comments/remarks/ideas. Feel free to contact me by private message or on RealmEye. You can also leave a comment on this thread.

Stay Safe !


PS : Hopefully this time, the website won’t crash :blush:


I would love to see a leaderboard for the most time played in the game and also the most 8/8 deaths. Would you be able to implement that also?


Unfortunately, there is no easy way for me to gather this type of information. Since I am getting everything from public data on RealmEye, it is impossible to have a list of all the players in the game.

Anyway, thank you for the suggestion ! I will try to think of a workaround.

ms=[whatever amount of maxed stats you want, in this case - 8] lists all the 8/8s in someone’s graveyard. There is also a summary button in graveyard that lists total amont of active time ingame, and most hours spent on a character, among other things. Hope I helped :slight_smile:


Yes, I agree that is a useful tab. However, if I want to to do a leaderborad, I should access this specific page for all the players, which represent more than 133k request (if you count only the active.) Moreover, there are no quick way to get the name of every single player. The best would be to use the “top” list of players for various options, but it still give you only the first 1000. I can also get the data for all players that have died in the past months, but it is still not really efficient.


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