Another UT star :/


Tide Chakram: An ancient Chakram lost at sea, a mysterious gem lodged in the chakram hums with the waves
Tier: UT

While Key Held:

MP Cost: 10 MP/sec
Effect: speedy
When Key Released:

MP Cost: 120
Damage: 600-750 (Average: 670.5)
Projectile Speed: 15
Range: 15
Effect: Dazed for 3 seconds
Stat Bonus: +3 DEF +2 ATK
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 750
Drops: Maybe Herm Or Ghost ship depends on skin
// took me a while to decide on the affect and i decided on dazed since you know usually if a huge ass wave crashes into your disoriented for a few seconds. But in all seriousness though made this out of a seal since my original sprite was a seal ppl kept saying it looked like a star but in conclusion criticism is greatly accepted no such thing as being to harsh.


More damage, daze and adds stats compared to t6? Complete upgrade and way too OP. Either lower the damage alot or give som sort of negative stat. This is a complete upgrade to every star in every way




Stars in general should pierce though IMO, Ninja needs some attention and DBow already is a 900 damage piercer. Also this idea sounds QOT-ish.


dude ill do a special post after
to much people think to far


I think this is the third (maybe fourth) dazing star I’ve seen on these forums


Daze is too powerful to have on any item that lacks a cooldown. I can’t really think of a way to fix it, though.

The idea of a bladed star dazing an opponent seems to be thematically impossible. If it had lower damage, it would seem like it’s a blunt weapon.


People who dont like to use this forum, why?

Of course he is triggered about this.


Will fix that


will you please stop projecting more anger onto me than what’s really there? because you’re being a total dick. it’s not funny.


Both of these points made by Atrapper are the reasons I don’t like this star. I agree that ninja could use some more variability in its UT’s, but this one just feels out of place.

A ninja is supposed to be a silent, deadly assassin. Nothing about a dazing throwing star symbolizing a wave screams ninja.

I also agree that daze on a weapon with no cooldown is overkill, but there’s nothing you can really do to fix that mechanic, this may be the reason ninja stars have so little variety, there’s just not much you can feasibly do without making something way too powerful.


To most of us it is you


Could you stop being a dick to him?


What’s with all the dicks?


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