Archer or huntress?

  • Huntress
  • Archer

0 voters

I’d use archer, easier to use ability. (They have same stat caps and almost same everything)






I prefer Huntress, 'cause she has amazing crowd controls and some of the best skins.


I would agree with this, and I think the paralyze on higher tier quivers is extremely useful and having to get a ctrap, while not extremely difficult, does not seem worth the effort. I may be a hypocrite however since I prefer playing huntress, but this is purely subjective as I find her more fun.


Whichever one you have looted a UT for,
or whichever one you have fewer stars on.

They’re very similar for the most part, shooting things and press space bar to make things slow/paralyse, just difference in the tactics of how you do the ability.


Fewer stars?


From the fame quests (the 20/150/400/800/2000 targets) if you have only 1 star on Huntress and 4 stars on Archer, might be worth giving Huntress a try :slightly_smiling_face:


The calendar gift slot will surely make it easier.Anyway i`m gonna use archer but I discovered the opness of ninja so not gonna suicide.Maybe i can get 3 stars on ninja


Not really. Nexus no miko is better than huntsman.


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