Archer or huntress?


Which is easier?Which is more overpowered?Which should I pick and why?I currently have a huntress which is almost 1/8.Should I die and change to archer and equip my UT stuff or should I continue huntress?


Archer is better (better ability and stats), but the difference is very small.


want more opinions :smiley:


Don’t suicide a character you’ve already started maxing. Huntress and archer both have their good and bad sides, keep the one you’ve got right now. You’ll have to try both in order to find the one you prefer.

People may say that archer is better than huntress, but the reality is that they’re quite different in the playstyle and effect on the battlefield. Pick the one you like more.


huntress… because her trap is more useful and easier to hit targets… unlike archer you need to aim carefully


I already tried archer and since I have only played godlands and a bit of snake(and cemetry/abyss with archer) I can`t rlly get the difference


Huntress deals less damage, but can slow or paralyse entire groups of monsters. The choice is yours : pure damage or crowd control.


So archer is pure damage?


Kind of, but not really, dont play a class because of pure dmg, because if you look at it that way, just pick warrior and you’re set, huntress is good and so is archer, not a big difference, you can say the only difference is the ability and they dont depend that much on them anyway, so choose what you like more.


Nvm i rushed into a jade statue without knowing and lost my huntress.Only had T6 noob bow and T9 armor.My UT is safe in chest for archer :slight_smile:


Pros - DPS high damage and better stats across the board.
Cons - Hard to aim ability,

Pros - Crowd control AOE , Easy to land abilities , pre-setable traps.
Cons - Slightly lower stats and mp cost for ability DPS is largely nor worth it.

In short, Good with aim? Archer, Have coral trap or requires splash? Huntress


Archer ofc
It just good for me…



  • Traps that can catch higher amount of enemies
  • Sexy skinz
  • More attack from traps
  • Less dex than Archer


  • Paralyzing quiver
  • Pierces through enemies so you can paralyze more
  • More dex than huntress because of quiver
  • Bad skinz :frowning:

They’re both same… But i prefer huntress :slight_smile:


archer is better way more powerful


Archer is better at everything.

@angedit m8 u wot huntsman is better than all of the huntress* skins (*tradable)


dark elf/ ghost huntress>huntsman(i have all 3 lol)



eh I’d say it’s slightly worse :/
(I have dark elf and hunstman)


ghost huntress not ew, considering it is also quite a rare skin as well


who uses skins because they’re rare?


me, possible lots of other people

anyway we are getting off topic