Ask me about Austin Texas!


A topic similar to that of @Seelpit and @Panytnaa - but for Texas, and its capitol, Austin!
Sure, it’s not 00% original, but not all of us here a few miles away from Harvey anyways.

Ask away!

The General Chat Thread

Do you guys have cowboys?


We used to


I heard people from Texas love playing warrior. Is it true or a myth?


Generally yes, but since those warriors help me fuck with the train at times I give them full pardon.


Hows the weather looking for you guys over there? I’m in Houston right now, Harvey’s being a major dick.


not much here, we got a day off from school since our school is being used as a shelter


oh yeah east texas has that hurricane
are you evacuated


hell no im stayin at my place enjoying my indoor pool :sunglasses:


so your house is flooded?


no, my front yard and the entire street is. i’m stuck :frowning:

in other news, my classes are canceled until September 5th. FeelsGoodMan.


ok well…have fun?


Meanwhile I’m here leeching volunteer hours at my school xd


Literally non-stop raining (only a drizzle/mild rain mainly). Started Friday evening. As of Sunday evening there’s been a total of about a foot.


here on the west coast it is very hot


for once Texas is in the high 70’s-low 80’s in August


is was up in the 80s for a while here
@XIYANGYANG what do you do for volunteer hours


Um like take serve food and help the elderly and shit


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