Ask me about Thailand!


Why you may ask?
Because I live in it
This topic will be incomplete without your questions

Why your grammar are so bad?
Because Thailand educational system sucks

The General Chat Thread

What is the food like


Pad Thai
It tastes good for me


Is it true that sex-swap surgery is more proficient in Thailand?


Maybe true? I dunno about that
But I do know that in Thailand
Has 3 gender


Are you guys the sex capital of the world?


Is it the Land of Thai? :3


Lol for a class project about 3 months ago I had to do a whole research paper on thailand history got an A+


Why do all of the Thai restaurants I go to sell pho? I’ve only been to ~7 but still… I thought pho was Vietnamese.


Should I make an “Ask me about the US” thread?

It’s a joke I know 80% of y’all live in the US


What is it like living in what some would call a dictatorship, what is the news like there


is life cool there


Sorry I was sleeping
I will be answering all your questions


In Pattaya or some place like that


Not cool at all


bad thing or good thing?


Bad thing




i feel no different at all
democracy or Next gen dictatorship are not affecting my life


because maybe thailand and Vietnam are close together??
i dunno
go ask the restaurants owner why