Ask the Person Below You a Question



What’s your favorite chromosome?



######are you going to yell at me?


not rn

Why would i yell at AKLdragon


Not sure yet, it really depends

What’s the most useful/constructive guide on this forum, in your opinion so far?


uhhhhhhmmmmhhh, idk, the new troubleshooting one that is super god damn long, maybe the one by shatter about troubleshooting. I dont really read the guides…

i ninja’d u btw

What’s the most useful/constructive guide on this forum, in your opinion so far?


My HTML guide, of course, which I can’t add to, because it’s locked :joy: And because I have no clue how to use my regular status to my advantage and unlock it.
It’s not the best guide at all but I think it’s pretty useful, especially if I can fix er right up.

( Dang your ninja )

How does one avoid getting ninja’d



fav time where someone got ninja


dunno, never liked it.

What were the grades on your last report card (tell us them for all classes)?


Second language Chinese(harder than foreign but easier than first) - B
Computer science - A*(A plus)
Economics - A
English language - B
English Literature - B
History - A
Mathematics - A
Physics - A*
Biology - A*
Chemistry - A*

What is the name of your course (if you’re in school) (e.g. IGCSE, A Levels, etc)


i have no idea what you mean by course?

well the thing we have here is like

least fav sport


Anything except firisbie

Name of ur last national exam u took


i havent done a national exam

Name of ur highest lvl of exam u took


O level but I’m taking A level next year

Fav sch subject


computer science

Fav sch subject



Fav language



Top 3 things on your bucket list?


Get 8/8
Git gud
Get better star not by fame train

Fav life choice


to live

Fav life choice


Do you have any of my pictures saved?


you forgot to answer my question, but no

is this Duckymaste first post on this thread