Ask the Person Below You a Question


Many, yes. It’s always kinda weird on takeoff with my legs feeling light, and my ears getting that weird full feeling when the air pressure changes, but other than that, it’s nothing too special, really.

Have you ever roleplayed with someone? If no, would you ever do so?
defs not asking to find a potential bud what are you saying


Once it twice when I was younger, but that was back when I had a poor grasp of human interaction (well, even poorer than I do now). I don’t know for sure if I’d be interested now but I’d be willing to give it a shot.

Do you have anything that was given to you by your parents that used to be theirs before you were born?


yes. My dad gave me a little coin dispenser thing, 3 chambers. One for quarters, one for dimes, one for nickels.
He also gave me a $2 bill, stamped, from 1976.

Do you collect coins, like I do?


Nope! I do collect something quite similar in shape - caps from drinks!
I’ve got a whole drawer filled with them. I should probably sort them out one day, and throw out the common ones that I have too many off, ehehe…

Are you enjoying your summer vacation so far?


Yes, I am! The last week of June into July, I was in Hawaii with my family and it was great! (we live just north of Boston MA.) And just 3 days ago, I got my Junior Operator License!

Are you enjoying yours?


yea, just came back from china and I’m just enjoying motmg until school starts

Is @Xaklor a guy or a girl? (I’m drawing a comic about RotMG like Craftable and SoloSen before me, and Xaklor is a charcter in the comic because his/her profile is fun to draw. I already have 5 fully colored pages done, i just need to clarify cuz p̅rͮ̀o̹̼n̬ͧ́͢ouns͏̘ͧ̈ͦ)

The General Chat Thread


How dissatisfied are you with my answer?


I am 100% satisfied with your answer. 0% dissatisfied if you want it in the terms the question presented

rock, paper, or scissors?


ok i’ll just put you down as a guy since you’re Lord, not Lady, of Rubbish


what is your favorite white bag iten?


uh, oreo. It’s edible, and it tastes great. Makes you invulnerable too

what is your least favorite drop in rotmg?


I’d go with the most underwhelming drop, which would the Csword. It may have good range, but the availability of A.S.S and Colo sword has diminished its value greatly, not to mention I have so many of these in my vault.

What is the most important goal to you, that you want to achieve in RotMG now before your next break/quit?


get one of these: image image

as mentioned here, I find myself in the rather unusual position of having an entropy reactor but no armors to complete a set since I relied on the scrap quests quite a bit. the robe would also technically work, but a lot of the core effects only work at close range and the staff/wand options you get to work with are underwhelming. haven’t decided whether to go with ninja or warrior for the entropy set, so I’ll find out which one if/when I get a corresponding armor.

favorite kind of muffin?


The ones that have chocolate as dough and white chocolate pieces inside them, because I’m addicted to chocolate to a minorn’t degree.
also tfw I have no cores, no armors, and only one Alien Gear item B’3

Have you ever broken a bone?


Thankfully I have not. :slight_smile:

Do you like my username?


Yea it’s a pro gamer username

do you like mine?


Yes, I think it’s cool. :slight_smile:

What’s your opinion on leechers?


i like them because they’re me (I only leech when there’s a lot of ppl or the rusher is a rogue, if there’s less then 10 ppl i help clear)

what is your least favorite dungeon boss?


:thinking: Limon the sprite goddess.

What do you think about pservers?


idk never went on 'em

What is your favorite non white bag iten?



how often do you do your laundry?