Ask the Person Below You a Question


Welcome home, brother. :heart:

Either Minecraft or my drawing tablet.

Roll a six-sided die (you can search up “google dice” or something if you want). What number did you get?


@discobot roll 1d6


:game_die: 4

Favorite historical battle? (Could be the creative types of weapons invented for success, or the whole rediculous reason people were fighting for)


I’m not sure what it is called, think it’s the battle of Carthage (?) where Rome fought the people of Carthage and the people of Carthage had elephants.

Favorite stuffed animal you had when you were little? (Or you have now I guess, doesn’t really matter)


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.


my big snorlax plush, I spend well over and hour cuddling it most mornings because I have no gf to soak up my cuddles

if you had to have animal ears of some kind on your head, which animal’s ears would you want?

The General Chat Thread

cat ears because they look really cool and I love cats.

If you could take a vacation anywhere, where would you go? (no restrictions)


Idk exactly where it is, but I would probably go to this golf resort that I saw in a magazine, it was a luxury place that looked sooo fun.

Best Christmas present you ever have gotten?


Just Dance last year, was originally just going to be something I shoved to the back of my mind but kinda kept me sane throughout 2020

What did you get this year?


A gift card from my grandmother. Christmas isn’t really present-heavy for me. Unless you count the massive amounts of food I’ll be gorging down!

What’s your favourite type of clothing? (You can be as specific as you want, but do go into at least some level of detail :> )


I suppose hoodies, like I have this really nice gray champions hoodie that my brother got me for my birthday, it’s all soft on the inside with mainly red (but a little blue) lettering on the outside on where your chest is.

Favorite brand of clothing?


dont have one, i dont like brand clothing

do you play any instruments?


i play drums

what fabric is the most comfortable?


I haven’t really tried that many types of fabric but I wore some good ass silk once and felt like a god.

Is your brother okay?


Yes, more than ok, he’s on a skiing trip with his friends. If you mean ok like is he cool to hang out with than definitely yes, he’s a chill git. Also pretty good at rotmg, ign is @Elitism

Favorite movie that you would recommend?


I loved both Interstellar and The Martian. I dunno what genre you’re into, but if you’re looking for newer films, Soul is very good as well!

Do you eat fries before the burger, or after?


Before, during, and after, sometimes I’ll keep the fries for later but they’re best when served.

What art style do you prefer, pixelated or regular drawing?


pixel, i can’t draw

What was your favorite Flash game?


I thought so too! I just watched it two nights ago.

Didn’t play too many flash games other than rotmg but I remember finding this knock-off transformers game that was pretty fun. Don’t know what it was called though.

Best memory you have?


Looks like no one wants to answer that

Favourite story genre?