Ask the Person Below You a Question



Favorite candy?


Favorite non-realm video game?


Ooh… That’s a hard one.
It’s stuck between Fire Emblem, Dragon Quest 9, and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.

Favorite mythical creature?




Favorite question?


There’s only so many questions I can ask :cry:

Being asked “How are you?” feels nice…


How are you?


I’m alright :heart:

Do you like scented candles?



I dunno how they smell

Which do you hate the least: doing lit. analysis on Poetry, Novels, or Plays?



If you could add a bag of chips to RotMG, what flavor would it be? (An entirely random question)


Barbecue Chips

what year did u start playing rotmg?



Which class doesn’t have as much skins in your opinion? Which one has too many?


Ninja needs more skin. I mean it DOES have a lot of skins but most of them are trash
Huntress… what do I have to say more?

Do you think Ray Katana should get more Fame Bonus and FP?



Which enemy would you like to have as a “pet”


I would like a candy gnome as a pet

What is your timezones?


Pacific Standard Time.

What is your Western zodiac?



How long you been playing rotmg


Since this September

What’s your favorite type of cheese


I don’t like diary product…

Did you join my Discord server?


No comrade I don’t like discord but if I had to join one I’d join yours

Live to 50 or 150


50, 150 is to long to wait for heaven (however if god wills that I live that long I will)

Favorite enemy