Ask the Person Below You a Question


None, surprisingly. I just go with the flow.

What is the best thing you accomplished this year?


I had 95% on german school leaving exam.

Where are you coming from?


I was born in Oklahoma
What rotmg death are you most proud of? (Ex: mine is getting killed by tutorial turrets)


my assassin ppe taht died a week ago. 5/8, had gotten pyra, sphinx, 2 dbows 2 leaf bows on it. probablty the most whites i have gotten ona ny class


me too, thanks for asking

have you ever eaten paper?


yes! at least thats what my school lunches taste like

What was/is your favorite Halloween candy :candy:?


The very sour warheads. Always has been my favorite candy of all time, and always will be. Halloween or not.
Basically these things, can’t ever get enough of them.

What is your favorite song of all time, and for what reason? (beat, lyrics, memories, you name it)


Of all time? I honestly don’t know. I’d probably go with Windfall by TheFatRat.

Do you listen to TheFatRat’s music? If so, whats your favorite?


Used to. The calling was probably the best. But uhh, i moved on to liquid D&B and stuff. Liquicity, Fox stevenson, Feint…

How old is Rotmg?


7 years is what it says on google, but I remember playing it way before that. Probably like 9 or 10 years I would have to guess?

What is your dream car?



Ferrari laferrari

If you could be any superhero who would you be?


favorite pokemon that looks like a pikachu? (or is)


Just a btw, the initial release of RotMG came out on Jan 5 2010, so almost 8 years…



Favorite ancient pantheon (Norse, Hindu, etc.)?


Norse or roman

age of first taste of alcohol?



Scariest/weirdest dream you’ve ever had?


Odd, but I remember this dream very clearly and I have my own “Dream Book” where I keep all my dreams in a book and write about every single one.
(This is going to be a long one folks, but this is exactly what my dream was. And I’ll give some backround information as we go along so it kind of makes sense to someone who isn’t me)


I remember going to this skating rink (roller skating) every day with my friends about a year ago, which is where this story begins. I went into the roller skating rink, and the inside was different from the real world, but still had the same vibe to it. I walked in, and ended up talking to 2 girls, a blonde and a black haired girl wearing high heels. I ended up getting into a verbal argument with the black haired girl and ended up somehow getting a rope between her heel and the actual shoe part. I then pulled, and the heel part came off, then the heels turned into boots. After that, I walked to a pool table and started playing pool with my friends. When we finished, I walked outside are started walking towards my car.
I saw the 2 girls in their car, giving me the one finger ‘come here’ gesture. I ended up forgetting my keys on the pool table and walked back inside, a little creeped out. I then walked back outside, and turned to my right to see a group of my friends walking down the street that was a couple blocks over from the skating rink. (Somehow these roads were connected. Again, this is a dream so crazy things happen normally.) I walked to the group and we started walking down the street. One of them lit a cigarette that was abnormally big. I’ll draw a quick ms paint drawing of what it looked like.

They passed it around, and I took a drag from it. (I have a sweet old lady neighbor at the time that lived next to me, she was about ~60 years old, real nice person.) After that I hear her voice saying “You should stop smoking so many cigarettes” And I turned around.

Her eyes. Her eyes were pure white. No pupils, nothing, pure white. But I could feel them staring at me. Even though they didn’t look like it. I ended up turning around and running. I ran about ~50 feet before I looked behind me again. She was walking towards me. She never ran, only walked. But still somehow kept pace with me. I turned around again, and I was inside my moms bedroom on the 2nd floor of the house we lived in at the time. I opened the door and ran down the stairs. A couple steps down I look up at the railing and she was now floating. She was floating towards me, with those fucking eyes staring right at me the entire time. I ran down to the bottom of the stairs and I looked up again, She was floating down the stairs towards me. With those pure white eyes locked onto me, and a devilish grin on her face. I ran downstairs to the basement (Our basement was on a hill, so it had a sliding glass door, and not your typical basement where it’s underground.) Then I ran to the sliding glass doors and flung them open. I ran outside under the sun and I saw her in the doorway of the sliding glass doors. And she said these words: “I will come back. And this time, you won’t make it to see yourself wake up.” Scariest shit happens when you’re sleeping man.

What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done (Can be anything), that was totally unintentional, and made you look badass in the process infront of other people?


Not the coolest, but I once scored a hat trick with my eyes, my back and the weird thingy under your knee in one game.

What’s the worst meal you’ve ever had?


My family sometimes takes a trip back to Poland (all the way from England), but there’s so many of us that we normally take the car. One time we stopped at a burger king because my brother (4-5 at the time) was hungry. He got a small burger and chips, but they gave him a ton of ketchup packets. He had the burger and fries, but there was still so much ketchup left… you know where this is going

What’s the most immoral thing you’ve ever done?


When I was younger I got mad at my sister and poured window cleaner in her pet fish’s bowl…

Favorite movie?


Blindman (1971)

Do you prefer to use the terminology ‘Grill’ or ‘Gorl?’