Ask the Person Below You a Question


Spiderman: Into the Spider-verse
definitely a great experience 10/10 would watch again

Why is cherry soda cloying after a couple of drinks?


I dont know I dont drink it.

How many windows does the room you’re currently in have?


2, one window goes straight onto the lower roof so i can sit there probs.

Do you sleep in your bedroom or somewhere else?


I sleep in my bedroom. That’s also the place where I read, listen to music and shout on people over the internet while playing pixelated MMOs.

How many times per day do you eat?


Like 3 or 4 times (inclusing snacks)

All time favourite movie?


I’m gonna cheat a bit and say the entire Kung Fu Panda series. If I had to choose one it would be the second movie for great animation, fight scenes, character development and stupid jokes.

Most recent meal you made?


Biryani. One of my favorite things to eat. Search it up.

Do you use post-it notes for any reason?



Favourite kind of muffins?


Banana-nut with chocolate chips.

Waffles or pancakes or French toast?


French toast with syrup

Favorite thing to do with the American?
(Autosugesst really be helping here)


Watch them somehow turn everything into a racial conflict.

Favorite way to spend a night out with friends?


Hahahah people actually go out with friends? The last time i did that was halloween.

What time do you wake up on a normal day(in your time zone)?


2pm or later c:

What’s your favorite food?


Probably the bset thing to ever happen to planet Earth
it looks kinda weird but it is soooo good

What’s your favorite sport (if applicable)


basketball. Used to really be into soccer but that slowly died out. Also really enjoy frisbee but only with friends because I kinda suck

What was the single most stupid thing that you did?


Probably today when track practice ended early and one of my friends and i just kinda free climbed up stuff in our field house lobby. It wasn’t dangerous cuz we are pretty good climbers(im mediocre, he’s much better) but it was pretty stupid. It was fun though.

About how much time do u spend doing homework each day?


I don’t have homework coz i dropped out

Q: cereal or milk first


Cereal with a very little amount of milk added to it.

Favourite sport?


Favorite to play by myself: Basketball
Favorite to play with friends: Frisbee
Favorite to watch: Soccer

Q: Why are you on this thread?


Because I have desktop notifications on for the forum and I was about to take a break from work.

Why is the “b” in “Below” in the title capitalized?