Ask the Person Below You a Question


Because Of Inconsistent Capitalization Rules I Assume. i Would Guess That The OP Just Capitalized Everything That Sounded Right.

On A Scale Of One To Ten How Long Did It Take You To Notice The Problem With My Reply And How Triggered Were You When You Found It?


i Noticed Very Quickly. i Hope It Is What i Think It Is. And If It Is, i Am Intentionally Doing The Same Thing. It Was Amusing, So i Was Triggered Of About A Zero.

Have You Figured Out What Xaklor And i Are Doing?


I know what I did and I know what you’re doing and I noticed they’re not the same thing

get slammed

what’s a bad habit you have?


Realm. 'nuff said.
also biting my fingernails but that’s less relavant


Xak, what were u doing?


I don’t know, I’m not named Xak.



what kind of question is “??”

How’s life? Anyway, what keeps you playing this game? (bad wifi or actual enjoyment)


Actual Enjoy-Beginnerment.

Please corrupt this question: How are you doing today?



Does that answer trigger you?


It would but It simply makes no sense and I’m too lazy to analyze it too much

What’s the accomplishment that you are most proud of?


My accomplishment is that I started playing Realm without being conflicted by the millions of people who used to play it.

What’s the highest /8 you’ve gotten?

  1. Then he died to server lag.

Have you ever suffered a huge loss due to server lag? of course you have. what was it?



what are your favorite pizza toppings?


Oof. That’s hard. I think it depends on scenario. Obviously hawaian is good. However, in New York, I’ll east almost any pizza. It’s fucking amazing

What’s your favorite time of barbecue



Pizza time.

(I dont have one)

Pineapple on pizza?



favourite kind of meat



country you want to visit the most?



What’s your favorite food?


Mac and Cheese…


That is a pretty lame question.

You are trapped on an island with no wifi and are only allowed to bring 3 things with you. What do you bring with you?