Ask the Person Below You a Question


I eat at home because I am too lazy to drive.

What is the longest time you have gone without sleep?


60 hours

How are you today?


I’m good got, thot shot

Do you play an instrument?


used to play the trumpet but I stopped
favourite crisps flavour?


regular (as in, just salt)

Are you involved in politics?


I am not a politician.
I do vote.

What is something you didn’t want to do but someone made you do, and then turns out it was actually awesome?



whats your guilty pleasure?


TBH, RotMG and RE forums.

Do you have any pets?


Yes, Valentina, my profile picture.

Do you think furries should be exterminated?



What’s your proudest achievement


Beating Metroid fusion in less than an hour

When you go out to eat, what do you usually get?


I like to go to smoothie places and sushi places normally, but good Italian restaurants are my fave.
also, one hour? You monster. I remember playing that when I was like 14 and it took me a solid 8 hours on the game file to beat it…

How many extended family members do you see, on a year-to-year basis?


My family is huge and the town I live in is not big, and almost all of us live in this same town, so I see extended family members all the time, including some I have never met before, so I normally see I would say… ~80-100 a year (extending all the way to fourth cousins) and also see several of them several times over the course of the year.

What country (that you’ve never visited) would you want to visit the most?


fucking Friggin Holland, baby!

Do you like dogs or cats?


cats easily

what’s your favorite forum game?


Probably misquote the person below you, sadly it’s not that popular

What is/was your favortie class in skool


English because it was not that hard and I used to know a lot. (probably would have been different if it was my main language)

How much time did it take to you for discovering your favorite/main/those stuff RotMG class?


1 day, as an advice from my brother.

How many event whites you got in your entire life ?


[lol i took one year (mystic ofc)]
Oreo, kage, ray, tablet, red bquiv, yellow bquiv.
Only the yellow bquiv was from the keyper.
So, 6, 7 if reskin conflict counts

How did you discover RotMG?



Are you gay?