Ask the Person Below You a Question


I would say I’m a fast learner.

What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?


To mess around.

Do you believe in yourself?



Do you enjoy life in general?



What is your favorite planet?


earth, because I live in it.

Do you have a hobby you really like?


drawing and speedrunning metroid come to mind. interest in both of them fluctuates though.

do you like spicy food? what’s the spiciest thing you can handle?



It’s my favourite type of food as a matter of fact.
The spiciest I can handle? Probably anything to be honest, first time I ate some actual jalapeno chilli I was more like “oh, cool” more than “my mouth is burning, God save me”.

Chicken curry is great.

Have you ever genuinely felt sad at a character death in a movie/comic/book/game etc? Why?


Depends on what you count as genuinely sad. Of course I feel something when a character that I liked died, but its not as strong as it would be if the person is real.

Would you rather be 2,10 or 1,60 tall?


1,60 because idk short is nice is that short?

Are you addicted for anything if so what? (Like rotmg, the forums, discord, etc)


probably reddit.

Why would you let this thread nearly die?


Because curiosity killed the cat, or in this case, this thread.

Are pumpkins tasty?


Unless you’re eating a pie pumpkin (also known as sugar pumpkin), no. Regular pumpkins have tougher, stringier, and more bitter flesh. There’s a reason why most pumpkin pies are made with butternut squash rather than real pumpkin.

What is your favorite food, and why.


Pasta with meat sauce because it tastes good

Would you rather take a “bath” in 200 litres peanut butter or in 200 litres honey?



Do you eat your five seven ten fruits and vegetables a day?


All the celery

Do you like celery?


surprisingly, yes. It’s the only veggie other than eggplant I get in my diet (willingly).

Do girls play RotMG?


I plead the 5th

Do you like the sentence created in continue the sentence?


Yes because it is hot

What is your favorite food?


Panettone (image this thing)

Why do you use the realmeye forums?


just to have fun and connect with like-minded people

Do you usually eat out or at home?