Ask the Person Below You a Question


Don’t have one. Cherry is excellent, though.

Why do you use Google?


I don’t really know

what search engine do you use?


I switch around between DuckDuckGo and Google.

Are you scared of any particular insect/animal?


dragonflies for some odd reason

do you have any dogs and if so what are their names


I’ve never had any pets, apart from some goldfish that I gave to some friends in like 4th grade because I was going on vacation. Even then, I only had them for a couple months or so.

On a scale from 1-10, how decent is the computer you’re using right now?


probably a 7

lose regular status and never be able to get it back or never be able to become a leader


How does one become a Leader without getting Regular first?

Go out or stay in?


go out.

Never be able to write with your hands again or never be able to type again


Never be able to type.

Do you like going to the zoo?


yes but I would rather go to an amusement park instead

do you like bacon?


No. Ew.

Is a glass half empty or half full?


its completely full. It’s half full with water and half full with air

least favorite type of pizza?


If I don’t like a topping, I just take it off. That being said, I don’t like pineapple, whether it’s on pizza or not.
My favorite pizza to date came from a shop near the Arizona Science Center. I think it had basil on it, and that’s all I really remember about it, aside from the fact that I thought it was the best.
I don’t live in Arizona anymore, though.

What’s your favorite youtuber?


Either Blitz or Hyeperion


what about your question?




what is your favorite breakfast food


Toast !

What was your favorite “Oh shit, i fucked up” moment ?


5 minutes ago when I forgot to add a question

:frowning: it happened again

Does it ever happen to you?




no, i just spend wayyy too long trying to think of decent questions to ask.

uh, how’s your day been so far?