Assassin Daggers


I noticed on DPS Calculator that CDirk has the highest dps at 77+ DEF, but Etherite and Symbiotic Ripper do less than Cdirk (note that this is on Assassin). Etherite out damages Symbiotic at high def, but less than CDirk.

My question is, should I bother buying Etherite if Symbiotic Ripper does more damage at low DEF, and CDirk at high DEF?

Image of the DPS of all three daggers + t12 dagger.


The real question shouldn’t be dps because the difference is very minor, what you should actually ask is if you can use symbiotic properly. I find the shots waaay too slow to use effectively, I’ll miss too many shots for it to be worth.


To me, for fast moving targets I would use T12 dagger, as it has way more range than Etherite.

Also, personally I would use it on chests or stationary enemies like Puppet Master V2.


When playing assassin I find the T12 dagger to be perfect in most situations except perhaps chests and even then its ok.

The assassin shines using his poisons which will get soulbound with 1 - 3 hits on most bosses in the game. For me, dagger DPS is not what I use to get SB, its poison. Assassins need to stay safely distant at the longest dagger range and then drown the bosses in poison. You might want to concentrate on grinding for the specialty poisons.

If you are looking for something that can use a high DPS dagger effectively then I would suggest you switch to a cloaked Rogue.


Was thinking about grinding for cnidarian poison.


Trickster is also a strong pick, if you can use it correctly. The decoys can sometimes be way more effective than a cloacked rogue, because it will basicly do the same thing (draw shots away) but without the 1 sec delay.

It’s basicly a harder but better rogue in some situations (in my opinion of course).


On Assassin? An Etherite? Don’t.


Yeah that was my point, it had less DPS at low def compared to ripper, and less at high def with CDirk.


slow is actually an advantage, its liket he new st shield, its great against chasing enemies, similar uses to things like void blade.

As for assassins, i personally feel tiered is the best or golem dagger. You could use etherite as a swapout, but i think the ripper will do fine, the amount of times you would need the etherite is too little be worth buying/holding.


I just use tiered daggers on Assassin. This may be due to the way I play: lob a poison, go in. Once I’ve poisoned a group of gods or a room in the Sewer/UDL/Snake pit things are mostly dead, and need little more damage to finish them off. But they are just as deadly, so I want to do it from range.

Doing damage with poison, how much damage I do with a dagger is less important. I also don’t bother with a piercing dagger as the poison takes care of bunches of enemies very well.

I might make an exception for the Assassin set, but as I only have one of the four items from it I am a while off being able to try with it.


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