Assassin is an under-powered class?




Wizards, Sorcerors, Huntresses and whatnot

With respect to armor, you’re only gaining 3-4 DEF and loosing nearly half the range. With respect to to speed, sure, but a csilk+ctrap huntress can get ~60 spd and that’s fast enough

Wizard spellbombs, huntress traps, sorceror scepters-all are capable of this.

Assassin is literally the only class (aside from MAYBE wizard) that has this playstyle of sit back and poisonspam. You won’t be a master of the realm if the assassin is the only class you know how to play, and besides, there are cases where you can’t simply poison cheese your way through the game.

Huntress also has area control, status infliction, better primary DPS and versatility, and has a playstyle that can be transferred easier. Thus, I believe the Huntress to be a simply better assassin.

I am in agreement with Xaklor.


No, if you’re a noob then a priest is much better for both of these things since it takes 5-10 shots with a t10 wand to get soulbound and you have a much better defensive ability that helps you survive. Also if you’re playing assassin with a low-lvl pet you’ll probably have a very difficult in glands.

Also neither Tombs nor Oryx are really great farming locations for starters.


Priest is no fun and we all know it. It can survive well but it’s so easy to get bored playing priest.


I don’t know man, facetanking with my prot is pretty fun ngl


First off, not everyone owns a prot. Second off, if you want to face tank, play knight… You get to land actual damage while you’re doing it.


Again, SB thresholds are so low that it’s irrelevant. Whether you play priest or warrior, chances are that you will get SB damage.

My response was the Priest is fun for me, while I have a prot. I understand that not everyone may have a prot, and thus priest may not be for everyone, but simply dismissing it as a potential choice just because it’s not fun for you seems to be a bad choice.


Its not about the SB, it’s about where I can use a priest and enjoy it. First off, priest’s wands are all either just boring or weak. There’s no fun combinations(dbow/cbow, ASS/pixie, Stinger/Etherite, Tiered/Unholy, Ray/Sullen) Instead, for wands, there simply aren’t any interesting viable wands. Sure there are a couple wands that seem interesting (bulwark, condu, and craziness) but non of them are really considered viable.

Second off, you’re statement was that you enjoyed Priest because of the facetank value that comes with Prot. If that’s you’re sole reason for enjoying Priest, then there are better options that come with more interesting weapons and abilities.

Finally, although I said “priest is no fun and we all know it,’’ nothing is truly definitive so I did not literally that I believe no one enjoys priest and apologize if that is how you took the statement.

Edit: And finally finally (cause I already said finally), let’s drop the topic because the thread is supposed to be about assasin and this is an off rant about priest.


Depends on your definition of interesting. It’s fun to be taking on an Avatar or Stone Guardian and be doing more damage than most players because your Crystal Wand ignores damage. Makes the Parasite Chambers in particular very easy. And St Abrahams Wand has its own unique benefits, letting you take on enemies from so far away they don’t even notice you are there. Not the dragons any more, but the Mad Lab boss goes down very quickly using it.




@Heteraabd hax0r exposed


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