Assassin tips


Hello, as you may know the assassin provides such a good poison damage and has little to no risk of death when throwing it far.

My concern is that, is there any tips or tricks for assassin that can benefit the team and myself ?
( I know when to throw the poison - timing)

Don’t Hesitate to post your ideas or thoughts. I want to read everyone’s!

EDIT : Main poisons I use are t5 and Murky Toxin


If you throw a poison on an enemy which can go invulnerable, such as septavius, your damage continues during the invulnerable phase. Can be used to get sb in when 02 is getting steamrolled (poison right before he does his invulnerability)… pretty much only useful if the enemy gets steamrolled so fast your poison doesn’t get full ticks in.

  1. Get plague
  2. ???
  3. Profit


play of centered


Ask at @Scorchmist his sin has a hell of a lot of base.


ok, guide to getting a sexy sin like mine of a ranking of 18th!

1- Go to fame train and follow along
2- watch tv while you do that

24 hours later

Tada! 6K base assassin!


6k in 24 hours!!

The ptrain isn’t up that long. How long did it actually take you (need base to get red star without suicide, 2k)


well, ofc i dont sit their 24 hours, its on different days.[quote=“Kamakamaha, post:7, topic:4660”]
How long did it actually take you

ofc, i still played a bit on it, like maybe 3 hours of actual playing time.

its about 100fame/ 20min, 70-80 when bad, 130-150 when very good

i guess thats the power of fame farming then…

but my priest has like 13h, yet its at 2200fame. And i didnt fame him.


Wtf scorch my knight has 3 days ;-;

Well a good thing not to do is lag the shit out of everyone by throwing your poison when there’s a bajillion mobs around. Other than that, assassin is undoubted the king of the WC and is just a very nice class all around.

Though I’m not sure if you would call that ‘teamwork’ just sitting at the back and throwing poisons / getting loot but I guess it does help the team.


That only scratches the surface.

Play off-centered, but angle yourself so that the enemies are in the upper corners of the screen. Use that hypotenuse instead of the “straight up” line, and you’ve just bought yourself an extra two squares of range throwing distance.

THEN develop a good understanding for your poison’s range damage radius—that’s additional distance you can use. Use your minimap for aiming reference. With practice, you’ll be tagging off-screen enemies with ease (and zero risk).

(A long time ago, I saw an image on the forums about assassins that used the phrase “Hittin’ those 3-point shots like Lebron James”. That’s not far from the truth, here.)


Edit: a bit of clarification


Lol as much as I would love… to fame train I’m actually quite tired (having died with 2 awesome fame char.) and just want to chill and shoot some poisons… Ya feel me?


haha, my thing actually had nothing to do with the topic.

I personally like using the assassin as a gland farmer, run through gods and drag them, and then lob a poison or two, then move on, later come back.


oops :wink:


First off all use bane for more dps


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