Autumn Giveaway


Since autumn is starting soon, I decided to do a small giveaway.

1st Place: Acclaim
2nd Place: Covert+T6 trap
3rd Place: Mana+Elder
Just tell me your in game name.
Winners will be announced on September 22 and will be selected randomly.
Good luck to all! :wink:
1st Place: @Lifeblast
2nd Place: @Tsunami
3rd Place: @Stave


BLUbeans, thanks Kage <3


In game name!? Noo! Also, good luck to everyone entering!




IGN: shendyt


my ign is tomthesnek i dont see why everyone asks as our users are the ign whatever lol




(Follows rules)
IGN: Tsunami

(makes bank)


I’m poor so can I win first:c I died with oreo today


Skrilllexm THanks heaps dude <3


fri itens
ign brandoncao


I’m going to change things up with my own mini giveaway. I’ll give you a prize if you, and ONLY you, guess my in game name. No outside sources either.

This giveaway expires 30 seconds after you read this.


IGN: Tilenull


You probably realise, but IGN’s are displayed by the forum software.

You can enter me if you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

IGN: Curlip


IGN: DroidMXBro


Ertooo; Liked and Subscribed :wink:


IGN: Happiny
Thanks :heart:


Well uh, my name is Stuartcat!


(a shitpost in an actual post)
(much wow)
(quality that bespeaks Bookaboo)


IGN: BurnixOne