Balance Changes & Dungeon Cap Update [X.32.7.0]


I know it is somewhat unpopular for me to say this, but Lost Halls / Events were never really about whites for me.

Events gave me a small chance to get that cool skin that I could never get (I had bad experiences with pretty much ever mystery box I opened).

Halls gave me fame.

In all honesty you can jack up the white rates but I still say the only S tier white that comes from halls is MSEAL. Nothing else is really game changing.

I truly didn’t care if I got a white at the end of halls I just did it mostly for the enjoyable experience and the fame.

I feel the same way about the events I mostly did them because it was fun to bum rush dungeons with massive amounts of players.

It was also fun to hear the RL banter and some of the crazy and wacky chat events.

Ultimately it felt fun to just do something in a discord in an organized fashion.

The discord problem is really on full display now. When I shy away from discord ques of 100+ individuals, I genuinely find myself struggling to find things to do.

The discords in a way felt like a guild (most ingame guilds are flaky to say the least) and now it feels like they’ve cut off a large portion of the community.

I’ve talked about this before and I understand why they did it, but it’s still super frustrating and makes the game actually quite lonely.


I’m not even going to try to argue with you or get any sort of “point” across; there is quite sadly no point in even doing that and I know the result: Unnecessary forum drama. I’ve seen it many times with the other forum users.

It doesn’t get anybody anywhere. If you liked huge Discord runs, I’m not gonna just mindlessly bash you about it, but do realize how the community’s going to adapt to such changes. 65 people is still a lot, y’know. And on top of that, with new Discords popping up, maybe different ones will be home to new communities you can enjoy being part of. You don’t need 170 people to do one halls.


The goal of my post you replied to was to let other players know that the mark bag isn’t a bad thing when running Halls and should be appreciated more. What happened in the update? Potion drop rates aren’t very high anymore, and it’s harder to make it into a halls run as of now, but drops of interest are a little more common. What was I communicating with my post? How to make the smaller portion of time players spent in the halls just a little more worthwhile and less disappointing. That’s literally it, simple as that. I could care less if you cared less about whites than you think I thought you did.


Omni droprate buff, guess I’ll visit RotMG in a while.


this. PLEASE add guild vc in Unity.


Seriously underestimating how much time that could take to program in order to implement something that would probably be inferior to other apps anyway. You’d have to be able to handle several hundred/thousand calls at a time between servers, maybe allow players to stay in a call even on the main menu, etc. Plus it could mean you’d have to monitor what’s being said across the VC which, given the… ahem attitude of some players could just create more work for Deca.


just use discord 4head


For new patch see: Patch Notes [X.32.7.1] & St. Patrick's Day Events