Bathe in the nostalgia and share your memories of the early days of rotmg


With MOTMG right around the corner I thought I would reminisce about my early days playing realm over 10 years ago. I played before realmeye existed, a maxed character was 6/6 and if you died in the realm your grave would be looted by rogues. Ahh those were the days. Death was commonplace, like every day you would die. Because you couldn’t max life or mana it was essentially a roll of the dice to see how high you could get your HP on character creation. If you got unlucky it was wise to “re-roll” and try for a higher HP.

Feel free to bathe in the nostalgia and share your memories of the early days of rotmg.


Aliens are pretty old, right?


Would you like to change your title to reflect that intent? :wink:


One of my alts has a pet rock. Does that count?


It means you were around for 2017 lol


I remember when UT’s were tradable and somebody told me they would give me a cdirk if I could get them 2 def. But at the time I was really new and didn’t know where to find potions besides HP and MP since I spent my time running around Low and Midlands, I didn’t even know Mountains existed lmao.

I also remember when almost every server had it’s own trading area and it wasn’t only USW3…kinda miss it


I remember a time doing very small guild shatters back in the late kabam days when all of us had medium-tier pets and I distinctly remember one incident where one of us had to go afk and the rest of us had to wait for him to get back because we needed everyone’s dps together to break down some stone paladin/wizard spawners. most people these days would probably consider that an unnecessary inconvenience that must have sucked to deal with, but it was nice to know that our individual contribution to the group actually fucking mattered.

these days you can have up to 10 people not shooting in a discord raid and no one notices or cares, and it definitely doesn’t matter whether or not you use a weapon that’s slightly more powerful under certain circumstances to a wc top despite being a million times rarer.


My first memorable experience was in a snake pit (I think it was - I could be confused) and I made a friend to level with. I died and he/she gave me back my stuff - that’s love right there.


This wasn’t that long ago, but it still gives me a feeling of nostalgia. When I first started the game, I thought the yellow dots on the map were enemies, so I avoided them and had no idea I could teleport. I thought that you had to pay real money for UTs and STs, and I stored t7 armors in vault because I thought they were really good. I went into a forbidden jungle (a really endgame dungeon) and got 2 UTs!!! I ended up dying with them (crystal skull and tlatoini robe), but I was still really excited. I thought tiers went 1-2-3…-10-Ultimate Tier-Super Tier. I was stupid and a noob back then, but it was still really fun.


Then there’s me sitting back with my America Ring. Who here remembers when those things were EVERYWHERE?


My brother and I tried to duo the old Avatar of the Forgotten King. Fun times.


I remember leveling up a priest off of only hobbit mages because I was scared to go into midlands.


I still to this day will turn off auto fire and just pop the hobbit mage leaders and gather a massive hoard of minion followers around me.

Also side note remember dragging like 100 gods in godlands and calling a dungeon to bait noobs? xD


I’m ashamed to say I’ve done that a few times… once I killed 4 people :grimacing: one was a 7/8


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