Best range class right now in your own opinion?


Wizard, sorc and bow classes with uts are very good, the rest is meh.


Lol I remember that ice Tomb necro


Necro all the way


Huntress or Mystic.

Huntress has long been my favorite class, being the first class I have ever maxed. Huntress is quite similar to archer with same stats and utilizing the same weapons, armors, and rings. The difference is that huntress’ ability is easier to utilize while offering generally less (damage and slows instead of paralyze) relative to the archer’s quiver. However, I believe the ease of use it enough of a difference to make it the best.

Mystic has always been one of those classes that I’ve always wanted to make but I couldn’t get anywhere with. Mystic’s primary ability is to curse or stasis, with the latter being the main reason for everyone’s dislike. Stasis, when used effectively, can disable a near dead enemy or slow down a run. However, when used effectively, stasis can make everything safer or faster, especially in halls and shatters. Additionally curse, can siginificantly increase the dps of a group that already other has the other buffs. Note, his base stats are worse then other classes so preferably don’t make one of these when you already have a wizard or necro because you’ll find it dissapoint and likely not play it.


Tbh i use necr and archer the most and hey are definitely my go to range classes. Archer is verh fun if you have the untiered items for it.

clikk 4 magic

shadowclone… JITSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (upload://ht5At4PIxJLD5UdTvlsagJRn527.jpeg) image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image 69696969696699696696969696969696969696969696969


Not quite, huntress can’t have scepter of devastation, and no other ability can match devastation’s instakill potential. In theory tiered spells and the void quiver should be superior since they inflict more total damage, but the bug that leaves enemies at 1 hp instead of dying when getting hit by multiple projectiles in the same tick renders them incapable of truly instakilling anything. Additionally devastation can kill two things at once while tiered spells can only hit one thing, and void quiver’s spread makes hitting multiple enemies with the full burst difficult.

Your second two points are correct, but definitely not the first. Fulmi is easier to acquire than ctrap, but T6 traps are even easier to acquire than fulmi. It’s sort of a no-brainer.


Sorc, for crowd control (pierce+scepter), slows, and high damage on bosses (Devastation)
Mystic, tons of utility and is fun to use, but requires learning the class to it’s full extent
Archer (with UT bows) Not my favorite, but a good class nonetheless.


I would disagree with both of these.

I have been playing Necro a lot lately. Necro is 8/8 with esben skull and he is very strong, skull has slow and its handy as heck. I also have the Necro Memento Mori set which is friggen awesome as it hits incredibly hard no heal though but who cares.

Archer is a precision class, I have cbow and dbow but I find that dbow is situational. I recently got another 1000 shot and that is very nice as well. I get lots of drops with this class. The elvish is great and once you get the accuracy down then paralyze is very useful. I also use Qot which can help with some of the bosses, daze helps melee classes survive better.


so would nearly every other person in the entire rotmg playerbase, archer is one of the most popular classes while ninja is one of the least popular. I still don’t care. the damage difference between the two is extreme enough that I’m willing to forgo the archer’s paralyze in favor of the ninja’s damage output. the higher spd cap is also very handy for getting around and archer is among the slowest classes in the game. though if you’re going to bring in your qot and memento mori then I’ll mention my midnight star so I’m not really losing paralyze after all :P

sb thresholds on enemies are absolutely tiny compared the the thousands and thousands of damage they can take before keeling over. you can get drops on anything, even priest.


Problem everyone is fixated on lately is still DPS. I mean really … why does anyone care. DPS matters really only if you are solo on a boss. Otherwise its as you said SB is so low, you hit anything a few times and you qualify for SB. Even the lowly priest gets SB with a few hits.

For me it comes down to fun and then maybe survivability (lol, is that a word?). I generally will chose Sorc, Necro, Archer, Huntress for ranged. I love the rogue and Mystic for rushing. Ninja is awesome for the power he has and skill required to stay alive makes it exciting. My overall favorite class would be the Warrior and Jugg is not needed.


normally I’d be 100% on your side about this, the only things that drop important loot are either done solo in glands dungeons or in large groups where your own class simply doesn’t matter. however, solo play is exactly the problem for me. before my “reset” (killed chars and dropped items) archer was one of my top picks, and I was one of those people who liked using covert in glands over cbow and tshot. I was perfectly happy with the amount of damage he put out and his ability. since my “reset” I’ve been playing ninja a ton, I played ninja nearly exclusively for about 2 months even. after amassing that much experience with the class, I tried going back to good old archer, and to my dismay I discovered that he took absolutely forever to deal with glands enemies in comparison. the only real way he has to fix that damage is with a leaf bow (or void bow, but I don’t have one), and leaf bow doesn’t pierce.

I don’t expect you to agree with me. I don’t expect anyone to agree with me actually. but ninja has basically ruined archer for me, as hard as that may be to believe. until I get a void bow at least, that thing’s basically a direct upgrade to all katanas.


All arguing aside. I would never tell anyone that one class is better than another. It truly depends on how you play, maxed or not. For some people its a balance mix of DPS/DEF and of course fun. I am very aggressive, my classes are always maxed (hate PPE) and I love getting deep in GLANDS solo trying to survive without that Nexus key going off.

There are some classes that can tear through gods/bosses way easier than others. Ninja is one of them and I really like it.

I only started liking Priest with my current build which is Crown,T13 wand, T14 armor, Prot/Puri/T6 tome. He can rush/tank and get loots. Even with that he still is pretty crappy. His best feature is he can survive anything except stupidity.




Ok… Really unpopular opinion here. If we objectively interpret “best” then we can assume it to mean most utilitarian and you get the most loot. Now, as for loot, soulbound is so easy to get that any class is viable, so damage is not a consideration for loot. In short, the only thing that matters for the “best” class is survivability and versatility.

This immediately rules out melee, even though this thread didn’t even cover it. Now, I think it’s pretty obvious the only arguable classes for survivability are priest, mystic, and necro. Although mystic is extremely versatile and has an ability that CAN be used to survive, the orb is not even close to the skull and tome. The necro tries to take the best of both worlds and fails. It can’t rush properly and it’s skull is not as utilitarian and safe as the tome. In short, it doesn’t have the best survivability OR utility. That leaves… the priest. It can rush, it gets soulbound just as easily as any other class, it has it’s own jugg, it can heal half it’s health for 90mp with the click of a spacebar, it’s range is so absurd you can hit things not even on your screen, what more do you want? The ONE thing priest lacks in is damage. But it’s still easy to get soulbound so the ONE and ONLY thing the priest sucks at is soloing. But get this, if you’re soloing a dungeon… It’s not worth it. It either means it’s just a gland dungeon of you’re wasting an hour trying to solo a lh. Essentially, priest is the most survivable, most versatile, and for me, the most fun (because prot exists).

On an entirely different note. If we interpret “best” as most fun, then this question was really pointless. And in my case the answer would still be priest.

Priest is the best ranged… And the best overall.
No hate plox



  • Better range than staves,
  • Excellent DPS.
  • Brutal UT Abilities (Slow, Instakill and Crowd Control).
  • Stats above average.
  • 75 Vit (everyone gangsta until they get hit by a Pet Stasis shot).
  • Arguably best WisMod in the game.
  • One of the best ST Sets.


Get a fallen wand.


I got one, I like piercing weapons. With fallen it hits harder and crown already helps with that but the priest is just barely ok.


i tend to use fallen in fight where my prot can let me stand dagger distance from a boss that doesnt have minions so i can get maximum damage in

i also find myself using it in any mbc coin phases


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