Best robe class for loot besides wizard?


Just want a robe class since my chars are always cluttered with leathers. I was thinking sorc since I have the full lab set but I’m a tad worried about his dps. I’ve also got skullish remains and I’ve heard necro has got decent dps but his stats aren’t too close to wizzy. Just need a class that I can confidently run dungeons over and over efficiently.

I just don’t want another wizard since I’ve already gotten enough stars on him. Maybe it would be worth making a priest since I’ve only gotten one star on him but Im a bit iffy with the whole healing thing.



i would say mystic, you can curse and berserk to get soulbound, with st orb or conflict you can speedy yourself and get to thigns like oryx better


Fulmi Sorc can be really good. Easy SB on every god in the vicinity, great for Sewers, WC and FFA Tomb.


I agree with @Proasdfase, Mystic is a incredible class for dps it outdamages wizard when it uses its ability, putting curse on enemies while going berserk gets a ton of soul bound damage out. You will still have to remember that mystic is a decently hard to play class and it is somewhat hard to get used to getting the right distance on the enemy with your special ability to just get the curse on it. ( stasis is such a troll )


And it’s pretty easy to survive on a 6/8 fulmi sorc. Is anything scary? Just slow it and it becomes less scary. On top of that 65 mp is nothing if you have a decent pet, which means you can spam your ability anytime you feel threatened. (I do not recommend slowing The Forgotten King, btw)

You also have a lot of range, and that means you have ages to dodge dangerous bullets with your handsome 60 spd.


I’m not one hundred percent true that that is correct… I have spent a lot of time looking at the dps calculator for mystic and the only way it can out-damage wizard with a spell is if the enemy is cursed, you have berzerk, AND you are pally buffed. Also the wizard will still out dps you on high def enemies if they have the Ancient: Spell Pierce.


XD Preach that one. Rip our trio sorc shatts.


Spells are for losers


umm sure whatever floats your boat I guess.


What if you float my boat
strong text


Is it only me or is it basically impossible to make all spells hit 100%?
Haven’t played in a year or two but it seems the hitboxes are greatly shrunk.


@MrSurvivor you are just out of practice. Some people can hit crazy hard spellbombs perfectly it’s crazy.
Also in all honestly you don’t actually need to hit a 100% perfect spellbomb to still get crazy damage. Simply put the more shots that hit the better lol.


Speaking of which, where DO you aim?


Ah, now this is interesting. A fun fact for you, the place to perfectly hit a spellbomb is actually at the very bottom of the enemy sprite, where its hitbox is. The tip of your cursor should touching the middle of the bottom line of it. (if you use a fancy crosshair then line the top of the middle dot up with that bottom line.

I made it sound way harder than it is… :confused:


Actually I thought it was impossible to consistently hit perfect spellbombs. Let me explain:

When you cast a spellbomb, the shots explode at the MIDDLE of whatever tile your cursor is on. Therefore, the only way to hit a perfect spellbomb on an enemy is if its hitbox happens to be exactly on the middle of that tile as well. Perfect spellbombing is more about timing it (when the enemy is in the right spot on a tile) than aiming it. You can go into a sprite world (where the tiles are visible) and see this for yourself. When you see people doing multiple perfect spellbombs its probably because the enemy happened to get paralyzed in the right spot on a tile, or its one of the stationary enemies (which spawn on the middle of a tile). Otherwise its probably hacks/cheat.


I totally agree about timing>aiming. I was referring to his question of aiming so I explained how to hit a stationary target perfectly.

Additionally, most hitbox centers are the same size as tiles so if your cursor is on the same tile as an enemy and you press space you will hit at least some of your shots. To hit all of them see my other comment that over explained the shit out of it lol


oh lol yeah


Is mystic genuinely good for dps though? Like compared to the necro or something. My last one didn’t really seem to be getting anywhere (hardly potted) but it was fun running abysses with the hive orb thingy.


Lmao its so funny that you said compared to necro cuz necro is the worst robe clas besides priest for getting loot xd


wait really? i always thought mystic was ass because of stasis… watched a couple vids and i kept hearing that necro was decent for dps but was like an easier to play wiz or something

I guess it’s either mystic or sorc then.