Boss sprites for a dungeon concept I'm working on


Karanok’s Heart

Karanok’s Brain

Titan Reaper Parasite


m oOn L o Rd wHE n???


I’m the master terrarian.


How is that possible when you’re a big fat dirty hacker very nice man? I saw you in realm. You were in a cland and used the infamous /spawn giga_corn were very nice to me. I can’t believe you would do that, hate love people like you honestly smh my head


You taught me that cheat you dirty hackerman!


Dont take me down with you…

You are a very nice legitimate RotMG player


Ok, (don’t tell about my hackings, i wont tell about yours…)


It is done brother


Bump huh? Is this some inside joke or something?


I love terraria so I love this


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