Brawlhalla Thread


yeah, another wave of inactivity from me, saw shatter make the thread and it inspired me to make this thread .

Brawlhalla is basically a smash bros game on the pc, you choose a legend, the legend uses 2 weapons, then you fight other people/bots online/offline, it also has ranked for competitive people (a.k.a me), each seasons the legends cycle throughout each other.

It’s actually really satisfying when you hit a nice combo, the game looks flawless on 60fps, and it’s not p2w.

And it’s… FREE


.Easy to run on most hardware

.Not p2w

.you acquire currency buy playing online

.has smash bros mechanics

.free (ofc)

.frequent updates


.some chars are not balanced

.ranked 1v1’s will make you RAGE. HARD.

yeah thanks for ready lel xd

Do any of you play Brawlhalla?

Oh god not another smash clone smh


It’s the best one in the market smh


warframe is cool


Brawlhalla is kind of lame


I played Wu Shang


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