Brief Trading "Introduction"


M O V E D .

Didn’t read post but this also looks like a guide, off to Game Discussion --> Academy/Guides it goes!


WHAT??? I only trade like B> ACC 1:3L


Mith shield is 2 def. Spell is 2 def. Tome is 1.5 def. Helm is 2 def.


1 rainbow? Tf how do you trade?
Robe= 2 rainbow
Armor (heavy) 3 rainbow
Armor (light) 2 rainbow


Robe= 1 def
Armor (heavy)= 2 def
Armor (light) 2 rainbow - 1 def and 1 rainbow


Robe = 2 def - 1 life
Armor (heavy) = 1.5 life
Armor (light) = 1.5 life


Dex, vit = 1-2 rainbow
Spd, wis, att, def = 1-2 def
Mana= 2 def
Life= 2 def-1 life


UBDex= 2 life
UBvit= 1 life
UBspd= 2 life
UBwis= 2 life
UBatt=1-2 life
UBdef=2 life-3 life(rarely 3)
UBmana = 2 life - 3 life
UBHP (NOT t6)= 4 life
DECA ring (T6)= 7 life


Overall, you’re bad at trading. Don’t tell others what todo if you can’t get prices right.


Woah, woah, woah. @AidanGe here just wrote a nicely-crafted guide for players new to trading, and you’re gonna criticize him for some small detail that he forgot? I am very


Uh oh, here comes trouble. Do I have to explain why the creation of a highly respected price guide is either going to end to the removal of trading or even mess up the entire game?


Deca ring isnt a t6 is it? i know its a reskin, but is it a T6?


Thank you


And please, no. Lol


deca ring was made the new t6 hp ring and the ubhp was made ut but remained tradeable.

deca ring also has 10 more hp then ubhp


hard to buy for 1 def now

more like 4def - 1life

Vit cost the most out of the rainbow pots


Mana 3 def now

I would think ubdef would cost a little less than ubhp.

I can assure you that it is really hard to sell these for 1 life much less 2 life. I had these and most I’ve been offered for these are 1 mana.

Never have I seen t5 tome, mnova, ghelm sold for 2 def. It is really easy to buy it for 1 def.
Most t5 abilities seem to cost less than 1 def


Trading guides-


Ur overpricing them too much


he underpricing some of them too

