Bring Back UT Weekend


Every year I’ve been hoping that they bring back UT weekend, but never do. I wasn’t playing when that was around, and I really want it to happen. I don’t know why they stopped doing in the first place.




They could bring it back, but make it to where you can only trade UT’s with other UT’s. So that way, the economy doesn’t get screwed up.


“Selling jugg for 4 Mad Robe”

Hell no


Why tf would you even sell Jugg unless you had a bunch of them? And if I DID sell it, it would be more like “Sell Jugg for 8 Dbow” Lol.


Not happening ™


No don’t


Never, these items will be duped to hell: Event Whites, LH Whites and practically all.



unless ROTMG wanted to turn into every pserver ever


8 dbows are not worth 1 jugg. It took me 4 years for my first dbow then i get like 4 every week. If you’re trading something like a jugg trade it only for shit like ogmurs and such.


even though you could trade ut’s in the first place about 6 years ago? the only reason they stopped is because of duping and the only reason pservers don’t care is because they don’t care about dupers.


Nope not a good idea and will never happen


lmfao. Why is it not? why do you decide what a good idea is? then only reason it was removed is because of duping it’s a great idea that many of old players want back.


Name one


you’re talking to one


Doesnt count as many. Besides going back to you why do you decide what a good idea is hmm?


It’s all down to supply and demand, if it was an open marketplace who knows what the price would eventually settle to.

(Amusingly) looking back on this Kazansky price guide from 2012:
…it prices dbow at 16-19 life and Jugg at 6-7 life. But in those days hardly anyone played melee compared to bows so demand for dbow was just so much higher. Nowadays with people being melee mad, it’d be the opposite I’d think.


yea lol im pretty sure lots of things where way different back then.
also i guess if you think 8 dbows are worth 1 jugg then thats your opinion.


i’d buy jugg for my stinger dagger :smiley:


-.- not worth