Buff Seal of the Battle God?


Currently, stats are…

The description pretty much explains this seal is good for one hit, but after a bit of testing I don’t see why someone would spend 30 shards on it.

It sucks at godlands farming, it sucks vs moving enemies… you’re usless in the backrow…
If getting SB actually took effort maybe I would approve, but this is stupid.
I press spacebar, hit the enemy for a ton of damage and that’s it. I have to wait THREE SECONDS to do that again OR get Armored. What???

I would much rather spacebar on a knight with the buckler and deal nearly 10k damage in a shield bash. Now THAT’S godlike. This seal is doo doo bro.

If you attempt to use a slow-firing sword with it, you have to time it or your next shot may not even get the ATT buff.

I try to use it in situations where there are plenty of buffs and I feel absolutely useless man. I’m not ‘securing the bag’, I’m not helping my team and I’m not having fun using this seal. It feels tedious to use and is a pointless burst of DPS in large groups full of Dbow archers and shield bashers.

Personally, I would like to see an ATT DROPOFF instead of just 150 ATT and then poof, it’s gone. It should go from 150 for 0.4 to 75 for 0.3 and 50 for 0.2. That way, you aren’t punished for missing or badly timing a shot. ALSO, Stagger should be made into a proc that triggers when you drop below 400HP, giving you Armored on self for 2 seconds at a 50% chance so people don’t need to panic-spacebar and miss out on their ATT boosts.

Let me know what you guys think.


Situational but it’s epic if you get used to it. Use a Cutlass or Pixie with it. It doesn’t need a buff, that’s for sure.


Yeah, you got the right idea- use Cutlass/Pixie.
Thing is, I was using those. Even if you use Cutlass the chances of you getting 2 hits out is very difficult. It requires timing which forces you to pay attention to your attack animation to get the right timing. I don’t wanna do that when im in huge groups blocking my ability to see, ya know?

I just find the seal dumb right now.


I agree with you. It needs a change, not a direct buff. It was the first ability I got and found it too inconsistent to actually use normally. I understand the concept they’re going for, and I think there’s something there for sure. It just needs to be experimented with and changed up a bit.

For reference, I have tried it extensively with cutlass, dblade, colo and acclaim.


It doesn’t need a buff, the damage you can land with this thing is really high if you time it right, up to 4980 single target with ASS, up to 5390 with colo, 4800 piercing with indomptable, plus the tight timing making you have to think to get the most out of it is actually nice, adds more depth to the ability. (This is with all buffs, debuffs, well timed and with a bit of dex equipment for indomptable.)


What kind of change are you thinking of? Change would be good here. I would like it if they just made it more useful ya know? It’s kinda just sitting in my inventory until I want to bonk something really hard… every 3 seconds if I don’t miss.

The damage increase is not justified yet. You get no Healing, so if you’re the only pally buffing you’ll have to back off early sometimes. Doesn’t seem very godlike avoiding a head-on fight like Oryx does.


I’d say this Seal doesn’t really need much buff, it’s even underrated usually. +150att for 0.4s is enough to do 5.6k damage (At least I get 2 hits with one use, and it’s about 8 -10 shoots), which is a lot. Also why would you use other seals, +HP and Healing isn’t as good, especially in lost halls when there’s always Gcookie pally.
You can get perma damaging on it too, and armored is just nice bonus.


I like the damage it does, but it just seems to be ‘flashy’ to me. Like, I see no point in the damage boost if that’s all im going to get from pressing spacebar. I’d rather use Scholar’s Seal and buff the entire group so that their effects and spacebar-spamming does the damage for me.
So I don’t really see the point of putting this thing on in LH unless every time I’m in there, there’s a scholar’s seal and gcookie.
The Armored buff is kinda useless in groups with Mseal and a bunch of healers, for obvious reasons. I wish you didn’t lose the ATT boost when under 400HP.


Using Scholar in fact is good for group, but this is meant to be more of a selfish more DPS seal than seal “Group needs buffs I gotta press spacebar”.


Scholar seal is invaluable in a group which already has another Paladin because it makes everyone with a Wismod at least 10% stronger


Doesn’t it make sense why the Seal of the Battle God is bad?

Because Battle God is bad. I think it’s the worst humanoid divine skin by a LONG margin.


What is that hair? And the face, and the fact that it looks like it’s supposed to be ripped or something…

I get drag queen vibes from this but it doesn’t seem intentional


He’s beautiful. It’s a classic.


Boi looks like he got stung by an Insect Queen
I guess I agree Battle God is bad lol


I have a vivid memory of playing maybe in 2013 and thinking it was an enemy, and even asking my friend how to kill it before he showed me it was a sprite.


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