Bumping Your Thread (Question)


How Should I Bump My Thread Without Having To Comment On It?

I had this question while I was adding some stuff to my NPE thread (you should go check it out) and wondered if editing my description actually kept the thread bumped.

If yes, than this question doesn’t matter :arrow_down:

If not, how should I bump my thread without commenting on it because I feel like it will look a little weird when all you see are the words bump over and over again.

thanks for the help and thanks for using your time to help me! :yellow_heart: retero


You can always Bump then delete the post, and say it was a accidental post or something, but I advise against it, as it’s probably not the best thing to do


So since it’s not the best thing to do, anything else? :thinking:


i dont think theres any other way than commenting


Yep, just comment. If you don’t want a ton of bumps, next time you want a bump just delete your previous bump and add a new one.

I will note that bumping too frequently is seen as annoying behavior. Once every couple days seems to be the most acceptable frequency.


Thanks so much! You can close now.

i miss ob a lot, hope he is doing well


Unless your @LamChopss and then acceptable bumping is every 12 hours or so


Another option would be when you make an update to the OP, copy/paste it into a new reply as well.

Then your new content itself is the bump, instead of just the word “bump”.


I also didn’t want that tho. I was looking for a way to bump without commenting all together.

But I think I might do that as it does look a little cleaner than (post withdrawn…)

Thanks for your input!


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