Bye everyone -xshadowxe


No one but DECA. I was just telling it to him so he’s aware. Idrc tbh, I just pointed it out to him.


DECA is who i was mainly referring to


Thanks, rip calender


Im aware m9


change passwod


I read this again, and wow, it’s really cringey.


Your life is cringy




i’m not the one that’s being blocked on RotMG and acting like something who has a real problem



Why exactly did your dad block RotMG?


This guy is just


Honestly, if you were that addicted into the game, especially at an age where your parents do have jurisdiction over your life, think of it as a blessing that they blocked you off from the game. Me myself, having overcome my addiction and now playing casually, understand the distress that getting blocked can cause. But it’s really going to be the better way to go.

I think it’s disgusting and stupid, honestly, for spring chickens like us these days to waste their lives on games. I fill my time mainly by writing and exercise now, but you know. I’m stuck in the loop.
Hopefully you’re not traumatised and you can go about without the game from now on.

As a personal note I think it’s a bit dumb that you made this so dramatic. I understand you, but it feels spoiled and complaintful that you a. wouldn’t respect your parents’ wishes and b. are so dependent on the game. I’m still really sorry, but fr, do something else (better) with your life; consider the block your opportunity to escape from an unfathomably addictive game that we haven’t been able to do ourselves.


same lol


I’m not the one with no life and at least im not retarded


personal offenses are fun xd


chill, theyr just a joke m8


at least Im not depressed. Look at your profile… It’s a depressed anime dude.



no, he’s not depressed


what anime