Calling all st full set owners


I am calling all characters with their ST set to take a huge picture of such. The picture has not yet been decided as to where it will be taken but right now I have a rogue (which is myself) for the picture. I will require more people, so message me on realmeye or ingame if you wanna partake ;).

Partakers will receive one life each. :slight_smile:



i have st wizard


I have the ST Huntress set. Just PM on Realmeye with the info.


I have the Knight set!


I can provide a priest of geb set.


Quick update for the list of people that are representing each class:

+Rogue ~ Recksz
+Huntress ~ Atrapper
+Priest ~ HeroEnte
+Trickster ~ NAFCBanana
+Knight ~ Kensha
+Wizard ~ MrBrennan


How did u get it so fast?!?!


He’s At-trap-per
He’s a huntress… erm… what would you call that


do dead characters count?


he made it.

it would be kind of silly for him not to have it. (unless he died already xd)


He’s a beta-tester lol


i have mystic just pm me the info


I have full Warrior Set c:


Yep. Myzzrym contacted me a while ago to bring me into the UGC (user-generated content) group, which is responsible for Toxic Sewers, The Hive, Biff, The Nest, and Lost Halls. While The Nest was in development, he asked for me to design the ST set for it, with Beige making the item sprites and Dappertron making the skin for it.

TL;DR: I made the items’ stats.


I’ve got the Mystic Set! :smile:


I have the pally set


i have the rogue


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