Can we have T1 orb instead of T0 on realmeye offer page?


Currently on the trading selection we could post offers on T0 orb

and of course, nobody wants it because we could just make new characters for another T0 orb

Can we have T1 orbs instead?

T1 orb is better than T0 orb on literally every single aspect (unless you are going for shatter speed run like the one by buldokan)

People would trade T1 orbs and it will be convenient if we could buy them from realmeye!


The T0 prism is also on there, however that actually has more frequent uses.


Bruh… have you any idea how rare Suspension Orbs are? Like, i can’t even remember the last time i got one as a drop…


cant tell if you’re sarcastic lol

but either way its kind of a pain to search for the orb when you want it


prob sarcastic.


I also can’t remeber. I don’t keep track of t1 drops


The T0 on the items page dates back to before the orbs were revamped in release 25.0.0.

T0 previously cost 60MP, and before pet heals that MP/use could be priceless for a rushing mystic, making T0 better than T1.

T0 is vastly easier to buy, because people with a spare slot as you say can just make a new mystic with the T0 instantly available to sell. So if you want a quick stasis orb, solely for stasis, T0 is a lot easier to get hold of, so I would be loth to see it exchanged on the items page for the T1, which actually requires finding in a realm.

If you did want T1 orb adding onto the page in its own right, you could try tagging MrEyeball in a post here, and request him to add it. If you have a good reason to ask, I imagine he would acquiesce.

Wot is this [Questioning T0 Orb on RealmEye Offers]

This guy gets it.


yeah but whoever has it from the beach/forest can sell it, though it is hard to find, lots will find it


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