

CANCELED SORRY. JUST RE-READ FORBIDDEN POST. @Doc or any other @moderators please close


Well R.I.P


wasting half hour writing. my lesson to read rules first next time.


Just a little FYI

Didn’t read the idea before hand but mods have said if an Idea it persented well enough and brings something new to the table that we shouldn’t write it off right away just because it’s on that list.


ahh… i can’t rewrite it again because my memories sux. well just let it be its not that good anyway xD


Not saying you shoud, but you can


can mod do that? let them see if this worthy or not :confused:
ty for info btw. can’t see them in phone


You can


yeah i know i can. but let mod decide if this worthy of that or just closed this :stuck_out_tongue:


ah, gotcha.


thanks thou :icecream:


rip this


[Done. OB]
