Card-board trickster - the sorta senseful version


This time, someone pointed out that the idea of this char skin shouldn’t replicate the side view of the classic trickster skin, and I actually understood them, so I made the side-view/sprites mostly filling up a 3x8 space. I think that thought has been nagging at me for a long time making this sprite, and I’m pretty happy with how it has turned out so far. Thoughts?


Cardboard Box


it’s a reference to the 2nd most recognizable facet (besides doing minimal damage with no range or piercing to speak of) of the trickster class, the first being the teleports and the 2nd being, well,decoys. What screams “obvious decoy” more than a card-board cut-out?..

…or you could take more than two seconds to look at the design and the class it’s for.


Nah it metal gear solid reference…


Cardboard box? yeah, that shit’s already been done and it was for the rogue. It was more-or-less what inspired this idea to begin with.


I saw you put this on reddit, and was hoping you’d do the flat sideview. I’d love to see every class as a-




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