Challenger has launched! [What to do?]


The title says it all. What strategy should I go for, past just normal NPEing?


Its just realm… with less features. Farm for pots and whites that you can use. Complete the quests that will help you out. Quests first because those are the things that may be able to transfer only. Don’t get too attached. Get a 50/50 pet


Also keep in mind they’re probably gonna reset the whole thing in a day or two because steam and kong players can’t play on it


Moved to #academy:questions-answers, edited title for clarity.

Generally, you’ll want to level up as normal - or maybe staying a little longer in the earlier areas, to ensure you’ve got the right equips.
In Godlands, team up with others to do Snakes and Sprites - you’ll probably get some good equips from there, too.
With the better equips, try to get some def from gods or team up for Abysses; the Castle is also a great source of up to 4 def potions (8 def)!


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