Character Duplication Error


Was in an ocean trench and my net-jitter hit zero and I lagged out. Upon logging back in, I had an abnormal wait and some red text (unfortunately not captured) told me I experienced a socket error or something. I’m not super tech literate, it may have been something else.

However, I was greeted with this strange sight in the nexus:

What causes this? I assume the socket error. I’m both intrigued and confused.


yeah It happened to me


been around for ages, happens somewhat frequently, no one has any idea what causes it

related topics:

there’s probably more too, this is just what I found with like 5s of searching


Hey you’re not a trickster, how’d you do that…?


Ik what causes it, its a bug when entering the vault or a portal. Its very rare when entering (example vault) you go inside but it puts you back into the nexus and thats where it duplicates you.
Mostly happens in nexus
Can rarely happen outside the nexus


I am actually kind of curious. Let’s say that you duplicate in realm (if possible, like you said it’s very rare), what if you die? Would the char be considered dead or still be alive?


If you duplicate, then you can die if either the character you are playing as or the duplicate is killed. If you duplicate anywhere dangerous, nexus immediately.


This wasn’t from a portal, I disconnected and was duplicated upon login.


I had a duplicate in oryx’s castle xD Had a really long wait and when i got in there were 2 of me


don’t have the source, but i’ve heard if your clone dies then you die too.


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