Cheating legends?


Moreso the fact that cheats don’t die when they should (autonexus) so never need to regain lost gear, making the demand market for replacement items shrivel up, and with low demand, prices crash.


It’s a flash game, it would be extremely hard to implement and would be extremely easily set off punishing legit players more than actual cheaters, hackers would find a way around the anti-cheat anyway.


Cheaters get reported all the time and they don’t get banned. Fame botters especially just dont get banned.


Unfortunately, your reply isn’t really proof, so to speak. It’s just a statement expressing your opinion.


Did I claim this as evidence? Sorry I don’t recall doing that.

I thought that’s what the forum was for…


You quoted a post saying there’s no evidence, so… Yes you did? You didn’t provide evidence that DECA doesn’t ban hackers however.


Not the case. There was this bug causing some enemy to rarely give out negative xp. Because xp is/was stored as an unsigned integer it just “looped around” granting an absurd amount of fame when those characters died. Deca only manually removed those char from the leaderboard after quite a while.

tl;dr: Deca messed up and those people didn’t cheat


i replied to you that’s all

and they do ban cheaters. just not enough :confused:

It’s not that they don’t care about cheaters or that they are somehow ‘protecting’ their flow of income. I just think they are being very lax about it. they could be a lot stricter. But cheaters will always exist and ultimately its up to DECA how much time they want to devote to examining evidence and banning people.


Its true tho.


Ah yes sorry, I more mean there is no confirmed proof. Clearly there is some evidence around and that should be expected, but there is really no way for any of us to know why they are not banned so it’s still not very solid.


They’re called caramel delites and they are my favorite girl scout cookie. You’ve probably seen them before but didn’t know what they were:


Aren’t these Somoas?


lol I thought so too
Edit nvm:


Well TIL


Aren’t the botted ones those wizards with the same gear that both died the same way on the same day with the same skin?


Those were on monthly I think


I think they are on all time.


They aren’t ;p
I believe those were multiboxers, not famebots - because I never ever saw them botting


Which are the botted ones? I want to see them.


Deca is clearly not gonna do anything about the current legends either way. Just hope no one bothers to code a famebot for unity and it wont be an issue anymore. Thats the best possible scenario. Old cheated legends will eventually be passed with time.