Chest Bonanza Event Predictions


What do you guys expect (or want) to see from the chest bonanza? We know that there will be 4 dungeons. Deca is adding shatters as an option, so obviously they are not afraid to do repeat events.
I would like to see:

  1. Parasite Chambers-- hasn’t had an event in a while and I need the scepter
  2. Library-- I want the sts
  3. Thicket-- I haven’t seen any chest events in the time I’ve been playing (i missed a lot of time for school) and I want the sts
  4. Oryx 2-- I don’t think there has ever been an oryx event and I’d like the sts.

What I expect to see:

  1. Shatters-- people will probably pick this over parasite because of its highly sought after UT rings and the new ST set (has the st staff been added yet?)
  2. Library-- Everyone wants the sts, they are extremely good but rare. People would probably spend a lot on this event.
    The other two I can’t really think of something players want that would get deca money. Maybe some dungeon nobody does will have a jugg in the event chest so the designers feel good

MotMG 2019 Discussion Megathread


also this in rotmg disc


we wont see a lib chest event for a long time bc we had one just last month, my bet is on encore


Pls be para for ez fame and I kinda want to tome from there


I want a Reef event because of the Trix skin.
That, and it’s also the only guaranteed-to-drop dungeons (since Court, ya know?)


I wonder if we ever see a Cult or Void chest.


I recall there being one… I don’t remember when, but there has definitely been at least one.


can confirm, i forgot the date but there has been one o1 and o2 chest event after motmg last year


Oh that was right when i took a break for school. Mb


Lod with better loot drops please


Mm yesss I need 2 celesial blades and a midnight star but lods suck. I dont want to do them if its not an event


New LOD is worse than the old LOD. Please no LOD event.

I am up for a Parasite event.


Explain to me how the old LoD had any redeeming qualities whatsoever.



How about… BOTH??


Lol. Tomb event, straight into another ice tomb event. Deca is really tryna make life worthless


Wait … What ? When did I say that the old LoD had redeeming qualities. I stopped playing the old LoD when I realized after running 100s that the Ivory white bag was a myth. Frankly the old LoD was just painfully too long for a slight chance at getting a pot from each dragon.

The new LoD has some better ideas and I like how they sort of handled the leachers but its way too long to do for a slight chance at getting a pot or 2 and an even poorer chance at getting a crappy white bag. Even the white from Ivory (which I never had) is just situational shuriken that has no real value for a class that very few people use. Even when they make the new LoD into a chest event I still have no plans to run it ever again.
And one more gripe, the rework of the Rock Dragon is just more pain. It takes a lot longer to kill and I feel it is even more dangerous than the old version. When it shows up in realm there is little reason for me to kill it now, the small chance of a pot or the crappy Ray Katana and the new LoD? Seems like deca has decided that all new monsters or reworked monsters must be immune to Stun, Slow, paralyze and add enough DEF to them so that they are almost immune to damage. Sheesh I forgot, many reworks and new monsters cast pet stasis.


Ice tomb event? I just checked on the wiki to find out if it drops anything. I have run lots of these and never got a white bag, in fact I very rarely get anything from the chest. Even from the Deca chest events I never got anything worthwhile. Just another meaningless time waster.


Last time they dropped bee quiv, prot, and crown reskins


But at a rate so low that you had a better chance getting the actual versions of them from the actual places they drop from.
But that’s without the snowballs.