(class) A spin off of the "mason" by power


This class, like the marble seal, spawns in an object. a thing that blocks enemy fire and gives a buff to the player, the block would have an hp and get damaged by enemy shots. I was thinking the player would get armored for a bit, but have a low def cap, like 10 to max, cause with all the equips, itd be op and similar to a warrior with jugg. the t0 would even have armored. So on ability use, something like this (but thicker at the top and a bit different) spawns in and is immobile, it last for a bit and no enemy shots can pass through it, and on use, player gets armored. They would be walk thru-able by players and mobs(maybe not mobs idk), the cooldown would be long and only 1 could be placed per x amount of tiles at any given time. Im thinking a robed class that uses wand? (cause only 2 other classes use it) and so that would balance out the armored effect or maybe katana and leather. Like a semi-tanky, average dps (unlike the knight, arguably a broken class) class. comment any problems or ideas you got. I know thered be some problems but I think its a cool idea.

Q: so, whats different from powers mason?
One problem with powers mason is the “wall” on POWERs mason is ugly as hell and out of place, and he showed it being used as like an actual wall which enemies couldnt walk through and many could be placed to actually trap enemies, which is far more gamebreaking than my idea. I dont think he should have a sword and heavy armor, theres already enough melee classes and why would a tank need a barrier, just doesnt seem right to me, also how could he lug around a sword, armor AND building material?


Like a wall?


Yeah yeah, just another samurai…wait wot this isnt a samurai? :astonished:

Okay, i like where you’re going, but as you said you didn’t put much thought, its highly uncompleted. But you do have an interesting idea. I’m thinking the name of the class would be like “Trump’s defender” or “The Mexicans that Trump enslaved to build his wall for him” or something like that.

######jk dont hurt me please


A similar idea, explored quite deeply here. I suggest reading this first to focus on what makes yours different from this thread’s OP.


If I got a quarter for every time either this or Samurai was suggested, I’d be able to buy the entire Vault.


new to the forum ¯_(ツ)_/¯ i think samurai is very stupid. never seen this before today.


like a thicker version of the target like things in the guild hall, not the red and white ones but like the posts.


Thats an intersting thread, thanks for showing. One thing i have a problem with is the “wall” on POWERs mason is god awful (edit: ugly as hell and out of place), and he showed it being used as like an actual wall, which is far more gamebreaking than my idea. Also i dont think he should have a sword and heavy armor, theres already enough melee classes and why would such a tank need a barrier, just doesnt seem right to me, also how could he lug around a sword, armor AND walls? however i like the idea of them being able to be broken. Im sticking with the wand and robe as his equips, or maybe katana and leather, but not heavy


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