Class tier list (imo)


Rotmg class tier list

S: Knight, Wizard
With Knight there’s no debate he’s just way to op.

Wizard is here because his high dps, with enough practice you can even out damage a Warrior. Also, he’s ranged giving him an advantage to any melee class.

A: Warrior, Archer
Warrior is a powerhouse, high dps and spd. Although he is a melee class.

Archer is also a class who can achieve a very high dps if you have the right items and skills, plus he is ranged.

B: Rogue (solo), Mystic
I put Rogue here assuming that you are playing by yourself, if not he should be much lower, that being said he’s the ultimate solo-class. He is the king of rushing and can easily bypass any enemy that does not continuously fire.

Mystic is probably the fourth or fifth best class for rushing, assuming you have at least a maxed rare pet you can pretty much rush anything with ease. Even so, when fighting a boss the ability is more of a nuisance, especially if you’re in a group.

C: Sorcerer
Some people might say otherwise but I think Sorcerer can be very useful, farming godlands, rushing (with fulmi) even clearing can be done easily but still, he’s not as good at rushing as a Rogue or Mystic or even a Knight. He’s a middle ground class, decent at everything, no less no more.

D: Priest, Huntress, Ninja, Necromancer
Priest has low damage and is not in any way a tank, his trademark ability is to heal, if you’re with your guild and you don’t care about getting loot but just want to help out your friends this is the class for you. It’s also possible to rush with him but there are much better options.

Huntress is slightly underestimated in my opinion, she’s ranged, has the same weapon choices as the Archer, 75 attack and on top of that she can slow/paralyze enemies. The only drawback being that her ability is sort of a hassle to use.

Ninja is a glass cannon, very high dps and piercing but squishy as a Rogue and has just about more range than a sword. He’s good at rushing but only if you know for certain that there are no insta-pop enemies in the dungeon (which most higher level dungeons have). Not my class of choice in a perma-death game.

Necromancer recently got buffed, landing him a D rank in my opinion (pre-buff I would say E). He is ranged which is always a plus. His ability is fairly useful since he can both heal and deal damage at the same time. I would say he probably works best for godlands farming or clearing, rushing is possible but definitely takes some practice. Most people see him as 50% Wizard and 50% Priest which means he can do both things but not as good as either class, I would prefer to play either Wizard or Priest.

E: Paladin, Assassin (Rogue in group)
Pally is beloved by many. Why, I fail to see. Sure he can heal and buff but his attack is nothing special and he’s a melee, if he was ranged sure, but he’s not. He did get a buff in def but that in my opinion does not make up for the low damage. In my opinion I think that he should either get a boost to his ability or a boost to his attack. More range would be neat. It should also be noted that out of all classes Pally is my least favourite class.

Assassin is a dagger class, meaning that he does not deal much damage at all, his ability is somewhat useful but in a fast paced game dealing damage overtime is not prefered plus using his ability takes a lot of mana. Buff the damage per second, lower the mana consumption on his ability and I’m on board but until then there is no reason to play him unless you are solo.

F: Trickster
The worst class in my opinion, not only is she squishy as balls but her attack is also nothing special and on top of that a Rogue can literally do anything that a trickster can and beyond. The only reason I see why you would want to play her is to increase your rank. Personally I only have her at 3 stars and until I decide to go for white, she’ll stay that way.

What is your opinion? Would you switch places on some of them? Am I an idiot?

Keep in mind this is only my opinion and not factual in any way


holy shit I can’t breath


I hate it when people make these, tricksters are hard to use, not crappy. A strategic and wise user of the trickster can out do an 4/8 knight (dex, vit, spd, wis) at 0/8, tricksters in the right hands can be the best class, knights and wizards are easy to use, not OP.

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There’s no worst class, certain classes like Trickster and Ninja are harder to play but are OP in the right hands.

Though I’d put Warrior in S (Especially with Jugg), when you can permabuff Warrior is so op

And you didn’t mention gear as much, Covert Archer and huntress are tiers lower, and Doku makes ninja playable.


Trickster is bad because it cost 35 bucks to buy 8/8 on realmstock

(that was a joke lol)


It is rather difficult to do stuff like o2 and tomb on any melee. Knight isnt the best all around class.

Ummm, no. Even with tiered tomes the priest’s insane heal is enough to make it a tank, and if you have a prot you can tank as well as a knight AND heal yourself.

Necromancer is great. Since the buff, he cam do close to as much dps as a wizard (more if you have a memento mori) and he can heal himself. The heals make him safer than wizard while coming close to having as much dps as wizard, making the necro, in my opinion, a better wizard.

Pally’s dps is greater than that of the knight which love so much when it’s pally buffed, though both are outclassed by a buffed warrior. Additionally, the paladin’s heals make it tanky (not as tanky as a knight but much tanker than a warrior), and better than knight in dungeon where many things are either immune to stun or difficult to get into stun range on. Pally is also easy to rush sews on because the pally buff heals through sickened.[quote=“SleepyGoat, post:1, topic:22478”]
her attack is also nothing special and on top of that a Rogue can literally do anything that a trickster can and beyond.

Her attack is nothing special? It’s a fair bit higher than that of a rogue, which makes it much better in group situations where the rogue’s cloak is useless. Additionally, trickster is much more effective at rushing to events than rogue because of her teleport (even when the rogue has plane, she’s still faster), and extremely useful is shatts. Her decoy, if used effectively, can also be just as effective as a cloak in some situations because it can make the mobs shoot in the opposite direction of the trickster.

While I can’t really comment on your opinions of the other classes which you ranked below “S” rank, because I personally don’t really like them, having gotten every class except the wizard to 4/8+ at least once, I can say for certain that when used correctly no class is weaker than any other classes (except maybe the a assassin, he’s fun to play but in dire need of a buff). Some classes cough knight and wizard cough are easier to play well than others, but that doesn’t make a well played wizard or knight any better than a well played trickster or ninja. How each player ranks the classes will be different depending on his or her playstyle. If you haven’t already, I would suggest trying to get every class to at least 6/8 to try them all out and get a feel for them, even if you don’t like them.


How dare you trashtalk paden and necro? They’re the best classes out there


I think this is the perfect spot to say

Your opinion is wrong.[quote=“SleepyGoat, post:1, topic:22478”]
Am I an idiot?

Why yes, yes you are


Ninja and Trickster are amazing. Ninja even with T0s as level 1 you can still get sb in pub dungeons (I know from experience if you don’t believe me check my graveyard for ninjas.) for F I personally would put Necromancer or Assassin although I am aware that my opinion regarding Assassin is an unpopular one.


Why don’t you haters make your own tier list with every character as a best one?


How about none of us make lists since they’ll all be skewed on both our personal preferences, playstyles and the meta? It’s stupid to even attempt this.


I also can’t breathe lmaoooo @LongSkelly

This ninja section was a joke

@XHippobroX go off on him

Got these exactly right tho :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


Well your opinion is ill informed.



yes but its not that hard to pull off.

I assume you meant priest but yes he is.

correct, otherwise the necro would be op and priest and wizard would be useless.

Your loss. Necro is an amazing class if you give him the chance. The heal, damage, debuffs and damaging make him really good and the best class. Priest has lower dps and wizard has lower survivability, necro is the middle ground where you sacrifice some of the wizard’s damage for heal and a little bit of heal for more damage. Middle ground doesn’t always mean bad. Necro should be an S. I won’t go into the other classes because I don’t feel like it atm.

Did I satisfy you?

Can confirm this is true.


Honestly, there is no reason for this “class ranking” to exist, as it simply does not make sense. EVERY class is very good in the right hands. Just as an example, my best classes are (in no particular order) archer, ninja, necro, assassin, and trickster. Someone else may think otherwise. One cannot simply rate a class based on how common it is, or how over/underestimated it is. No offense to you as the writer of this bulky discussion, but I don’t really see any point in making the wordmess above.


Yes. Thank.


Imo warrior is objectively the best class


ok you see heres my problem…knight is no way in the S-tier. high b or low a is understandable, but S is way above. for a good pet, sure he could fit in, but for a beginner, nah.

you should always keep in mind that tier lists should be made for every player.

and so why does trickster not fulfill the roles of rushing and playing solo?

now what the fuck. you seriously based this off of your OPINION? you put the paden here because he was your least favorite class? are you kidding me!? low damage hah


Okay, now here’s my list.

S: Wizard, Necromancer, Priest, Rogue

F: Knight


I do not believe there is a way to one-dimensionally rank all of the classes in this game. I think OP’s opinion is very flawed, even in attempt of said ranking. There’s simply far too many variables in an ever-changing game like Realm of the Mad God that make it impossible for there to be a clear-cut class for any given situation. The fact is that there’s always going to be a second way outside of the norm to approach one of such situations, even if it’s not immediately obvious. We can count on Deca to (even if inadvertantly) introduce even more ways of approach.