Colossal Knight Set [Sprites]

Colossal Knight Set

Maybe I’ll give them stats if you guys want, if not they could be some MotMG reskins for Halls Tops.

  • Give the items stats (shield excluded)
  • Leave them as reskins

0 voters


These look really nice!


Cool - but why the Kamishimo-like design for the armor? Ain’t nothing wrong with the Acropolis, Dominion, and…whatever that blue-colored, T15 armor was called.


They’re reskins, not resprites.


I meant that it resembles the Kamishimo’s base design as opposed to the top-tiered’s.


Personally I have a bit against it because it is really just reskins… (except for the ring) The sword is a colossus, the shied is colo,the armor is kagemoshi. I understand that many designs are similar but it just happens to be that yours are a bit too similar in my opinion


Nowhere did I state that the sword was Sword of the Colossus, and it doesn’t look anything like it.

The armor only shares the shape with the Kamishimo, everything else about it is completely different.

The shield is the only obvious one, and even then it’s just a shiny version of the original.

Personally I don’t see the problem here.


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