

Granted, but then you quickly realize why you left in the first place.

I wish the forums weren’t so dead, especially with the loss of old members I miss seeing around. :cry:


Granted, the forums are alive and as lively as it used to be! But after only a few days, everyone suddenly disappears…

I wish for a Realm Rework!


Granted! Deca decides to rework realm to have better performance on their servers. The solution: All 8x8 sprites are now a 1x1 blob. This also applies to other sprites proportionally.

I wish I could find a good someone to date


Granted, it would be good to date them, and you did find them, but they aren’t interested

I wish everyone’s socks were always inside no matter what for the rest of eternity and couldn’t be taken off


I’m going to assume you meant to say the socks were inside out instead of inside, uh, something

anyway have you ever worn a cast? have you seen how gross those things get? that’s what every person’s feet are like now for the rest of time. thanks a lot dude. now everything is gross and disgusting and it can never be fixed.

I wish I had 10 times as many legos as I do now


A post was merged into an existing topic: The General Chat Thread


Granted, but it’s 10x the mass of your Legos all combined into one unnecessarily big Lego brick

I wish I had an Arcanine as a pet (cool fluffy tiger dog pokemon)


Granted, you now have a tiger as an irl pet. It eats a child from your neighbourhood and you have to go through a ton of struggle to cover it up.

I wish I was less bored.


Granted, you are now the tiger eating children from my neighborhood

I wish for a perfect cover up for the death of a child


Granted! You shut down the pizzeria you commited the murder at, thrash the hybrid suits previously used, and instead construct a new pizzeria with non-wearable animatronic suits.
You subsequently hire a game developer to make games with characters from your pizzeria to cover up said murder.

I wish I could give virtual hugs to others online.


Granted, but it gives them COVID.
(More DNA points for the guy playing Plague Inc. IRL…)

I wish for a ball of osmium the size of my hand.


Granted, but the ball replaces your hand. Density is 22.587 g/cm cubed, so feel free to calculate the weight.

I wish I could get my girlfriend to play this game.


Granted, but she turns out surprisingly talented at hacking. She decides to spawn o3s in the nexus and deca gives up on the game.

I wish you a merry christmas


Granted. We both have a merry Christmas.

I wish for snuggles.


granted, my snuggles are… somewhat unique

I wish I had something to eat


Granted, its broccoli.

I wish I was less bored.


Granted! You are 1% less bored now that you have something to read.
After this sentence ends, however, you’re back to being bored.

I wish it wasn’t so dang cold every time I wake up in the morning.


Granted! You’re forever warm and cozy
(Your house is on fire)

I wish for a little hamburger


Granted! However, it is microscopically small, and is quickly blown away by the gravitational field of the tables and chairs in your house, before being washed away in your sink. On the bright side, one of those water bears is going to have the best meal in water bear history!

I wish my cat was slightly less loud with her meows.


Granted! However, she takes up barking instead.

I wish for some pizza.