Current Lair of Draconis system


The change (X.20.0) to bring in the delayed first call…

…is continuing to be a lot more frustrating than the old way ever was. Saw 4 Lods just today get deliberately called for Easy Mode when it was clear the group could manage, and overwhelmingly wanted, Hard Mode. (example screenshot, click to expand if too small):

It was bad enough when it was only the Midnight Star chance lost with Easy Mode, but now we have the ST items from HardModeDragons, and the Mark from Ivory. Was there any driving reason why this was changed?

Because along with the quest markers being removed (X.18.0 hotfix)…

…what was one of the more enjoyable dungeons (ignoring the leechability of it), Lod seems to be one of the few things that’s actually become worse due to Deca changes, and doubly so with the call change on top of the no-quests giving difficulty keeping track of the dragons (and even knowing when it has died, because the disappearing quest was far easier to notice than just the death chat line, especially in Blue with its other frequent chat).

Edit @Four I don’t mean to make this just a rant post in your discussion thread! But your ideas would solve it, so I thought it fit to reply again here. :slightly_smiling_face:


To increase the incentive for hard mode, maybe add a small loot table for the little pinata dragon if you deal enough DPS to kill it?


I like idea number 2. That seems to be the most fair.


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