Default profile picture bug


This has been going on for a bit, people who haven’t chosen a pfp yet have a blank one. I just noticed a new part of it

Profile Pictures not loading
Forum Pfp's

yeah ive been noticing this for a while
its on mobile and pc so its obvi not client side
i reckon it might be something to do with discourse changing its default icon for some reason


Its especially bad when you’re looking at some controversial opinion/“bad” post and wonder who the likes on the post are coming from and you cant see it because none of the pics is loading.


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image image image image image

Just a few that I found, but there are probably more. Is this just happening to me, or is it happening to other people. Also, how can I fix this. Stupid problem, but kinda annoying. Also I’m using an iPad


I’ve always assumed these are people who didn’t upload a picture and get the default picture assigned by the system. It used to be the first letter of your username and then if turned to nothing. I’m not sure if it is a bug or a feature.

Moved it to forum feedback, it’s not off topic IMO.


Still not fixed after 4 months



The forums needs a “critical update” that only admins can initiate.


Has there ever been a real talk among you guys about the discourse interface?

I don’t have a problem with it really but I’m just wonderin


RealmEye as a farm
MrEyeball the farmer
We’re the.. chickens? “Bwock!”


Is this the same bug that causes the broken image profile pic?
I’ve been seeing this on so many people and I’m wondering if this is the same bug shown here?


Do you have a selected profile picture? Because yours looks like this to me: image
(Asking so we can maybe figure out what the heck is going on.)


Hmm thats interesting, for me its just a blank space.


I guess it is our OS or browser that determines what broken-image symbol shows for each of us. I see the same as @JimdaFish.


Yeah, I changed it to the default one since I didn’t want my christmas pfp.


It’s a blank space when I’m on my phone (just my computer shows the thing I posted).

Want to see if we can see your pfp if you change it?




Apparantly fixed :partying_face:

Thanks @whoever is running the site


They’re finally fixed…yay :tada:

