Diamondest's overly lame ppe


I am taking a break with my warrior competition so expect some good loot posted here soon!


(this one is a ppe mentioned by this thread btw, just scroll up a decent bit)




thicc bag but no pyra ;(




i normally dont post loot from comp ppes but, its a non-event void drop so hey!

The White Bag Thread v2

Alright guys i’m a bit tired of endless MC grind so im back and shining! This is the warrior ppe that is still alive and kicking:




max life (5/8) forgot 4/8 dex.
I also got like 16 epic chests from event so ill be popping them and posting highlights if there are any.
and i got nothing, the best loot i got was 2 life and a t10 stafff…




It’s been a while hasnt it?


Yes… it has been.


Ooh my dear boy… what hath thou befallen to?

I weep at thine demise…


Wasn’t paying attention.


oh… disappointing for 8 fking Januses…

btw 3k fame


Whats death fame for you rn?
not that you should die


about 3k :wink:


yeh i know that nibba


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